Famous TL Rese Quotes

  • Behind every novel is a greater story of how it came to be published. – TL Rese

    Behind every novel is a greater story of how it came to be published.– TL Rese

  • There are three certainties in a writer’s life: death, taxes, and rejection letters. – TL Rese

    There are three certainties in a writer’s life: death, taxes, and rejection letters.– TL Rese

  • Somewhere beyond the pain, you turn around and realize that life is beautiful. – TL Rese

    Somewhere beyond the pain, you turn around and realize that life is beautiful.– TL Rese

  • Music is a language – and language, at its finest, should be music. – TL Rese

    Music is a language – and language, at its finest, should be music.– TL Rese

  • The past is fantasy, and the future is science fiction. – TL Rese

    The past is fantasy, and the future is science fiction.– TL Rese

  • Going to sleep is an adventure: you never know where your dreams will take you. – TL Rese

    Going to sleep is an adventure: you never know where your dreams will take you.– TL Rese

  • To live is to travel, on a voyage more epic than the odysseys of myth – not from place to place, but through the poignant strangeness of time. – TL Rese

    To live is to travel, on a voyage more epic than the odysseys of myth – not from place to place, but through the poignant strangeness of time.– TL Rese

  • Growing up is the greatest adventure of all. – TL Rese

    Growing up is the greatest adventure of all.– TL Rese

  • We live in the most epic of fantasy worlds. – TL Rese

    We live in the most epic of fantasy worlds.– TL Rese

  • There is more magic in our own world than in any world of fantasy. – TL Rese

    There is more magic in our own world than in any world of fantasy.– TL Rese