Famous Tupac Shakur Quotes

  • Please wake me when I’m freeI cannot bear captivity4 I would rather be stricken blindThan 2 live without expression of mind – Tupac Shakur

    Please wake me when I’m freeI cannot bear captivity4 I would rather be stricken blindThan 2 live without expression of mind– Tupac Shakur

  • Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. – Tupac Shakur

    Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.– Tupac Shakur

  • During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams – Tupac Shakur

    During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams– Tupac Shakur

  • Fear is stronger than love, remember that. Fear is stronger than love, all that love I gave didn’t mean nothing when it came to fear. – Tupac Shakur

    Fear is stronger than love, remember that. Fear is stronger than love, all that love I gave didn’t mean nothing when it came to fear.– Tupac Shakur