Famous Vannetta Chapman Quotes

  • Say what’s in your heart, Annie.”You’re in my heart, Samuel. – Vannetta Chapman

    Say what’s in your heart, Annie.”You’re in my heart, Samuel.– Vannetta Chapman

  • The knowing is easy. It’s the doing that gives us trouble. – Vannetta Chapman

    The knowing is easy. It’s the doing that gives us trouble.– Vannetta Chapman

  • The knowing is easy. It’s the doing that gives us trouble.– Vannetta Chapman

  • Forget your mistakes but remember what they taught you. – Vannetta Chapman

    Forget your mistakes but remember what they taught you.– Vannetta Chapman

  • If you think you’ve seen it all, put on your sunglasses, because you’re about to be surprised. – Vannetta Chapman

    If you think you’ve seen it all, put on your sunglasses, because you’re about to be surprised.– Vannetta Chapman