Famous VC Andrews Quotes

  • Love, in short is the most dangerous emotion human can experience – VC Andrews

    Love, in short is the most dangerous emotion human can experience– VC Andrews

  • I saw myself dancing alone, always alone, – VC Andrews

    I saw myself dancing alone, always alone,– VC Andrews

  • Whatever doesn’t destroy you, makes you stronger. Hardships have a way of toughening us, if they don’t kill us. – VC Andrews

    Whatever doesn’t destroy you, makes you stronger. Hardships have a way of toughening us, if they don’t kill us.– VC Andrews

  • The Bible said, as Chris quoted one memorable day, there was a time foreverything. I figured my time for happiness was just ahead, waitingfor me. – VC Andrews

    The Bible said, as Chris quoted one memorable day, there was a time foreverything. I figured my time for happiness was just ahead, waitingfor me.– VC Andrews

  • Promises are lies wrapped in pretty ribbons -Cinnamon – VC Andrews

    Promises are lies wrapped in pretty ribbons -Cinnamon– VC Andrews

  • In the dark, the little live Christmas tree, two feet tall, sparkled with tiny coloured lights, like the tears I saw glistening in my brother’s eyes. – VC Andrews

    In the dark, the little live Christmas tree, two feet tall, sparkled with tiny coloured lights, like the tears I saw glistening in my brother’s eyes.– VC Andrews

  • In the dark, the little live Christmas tree, two feet tall, sparkled with tiny coloured lights, like the tears I saw glistening in my brother’s eyes.– VC Andrews

  • Yes, I am a prisoner of sorts, but my prison isn’t the house. It’s my own thoughts that lock me up! – VC Andrews

    Yes, I am a prisoner of sorts, but my prison isn’t the house. It’s my own thoughts that lock me up!– VC Andrews

  • We’re better off not worrying about ourselves, and to do that, we have to worry about others. – VC Andrews

    We’re better off not worrying about ourselves, and to do that, we have to worry about others.– VC Andrews

  • If you hold a bird too tightly, you’ll crush its wings – VC Andrews

    If you hold a bird too tightly, you’ll crush its wings– VC Andrews