Famous Zadie Smith Quotes

  • You never know, until it happens, what you will owe the dead. – Zadie Smith

    You never know, until it happens, what you will owe the dead.– Zadie Smith

  • I couldn’t imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric. – Zadie Smith

    I couldn’t imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric.– Zadie Smith

  • I couldn’t imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric.– Zadie Smith

  • The planet is finished with us, at this point – – Zadie Smith

    The planet is finished with us, at this point –– Zadie Smith

  • But why think the more reasons there were to sin, the smaller the sin was? – Zadie Smith

    But why think the more reasons there were to sin, the smaller the sin was?– Zadie Smith

  • I am the sole author of the dictionary that defines me. – Zadie Smith

    I am the sole author of the dictionary that defines me.– Zadie Smith

  • Sometimes, one wants to have the illusion that one is making ones own life, out of one’s own resources. – Zadie Smith

    Sometimes, one wants to have the illusion that one is making ones own life, out of one’s own resources.– Zadie Smith

  • Sacrifice was nine tenths of parenting. – Zadie Smith

    Sacrifice was nine tenths of parenting.– Zadie Smith

  • Full stories are as rare as honesty. – Zadie Smith

    Full stories are as rare as honesty.– Zadie Smith

  • My mind does not easily accept stately historical processions. – Zadie Smith

    My mind does not easily accept stately historical processions.– Zadie Smith