Being different is the only way to live
– Cath Crowley
Related Quotes:
- I love lying here with you, under the books. – Cath Crowley
- The stars are on the inside. They are effing beautiful. – Cath Crowley
- If you don’t want a generation of robots, fund the arts! – Cath Crowley
- Real is better, The truth is better. Painful but better. – Cath Crowley
- Asking’s the easy bit. Then there’s everything that comes after. – Cath Crowley
- I’ll never throw these small things away. There will never be a time when I don’t want them, all the tiny parts of Cal that made a life. – Cath Crowley
- as if all the years haven’t dulled that moment. She’s staring at a spot of air in front of it, and I know, in that spot of air, is her son. – Cath Crowley
- My dad was a magician too. Got in his car and disappeared. – Cath Crowley
- She looked at me with those empty eyes, and I thought, I’m going to make sure I fill them up with something. – Cath Crowley
- Now you’re dead, and I’m buried. – Cath Crowley
- You’re not like other girls, you know that, right?’ Ed asks.-˜I’ve been aware of the problem,’ I tell him. – Cath Crowley
- It’s when I’m around some people that my entire vocabulary goes on vacation. Like now – Cath Crowley
- Don’t go confusing stupidity with guts. – Cath Crowley
- Tonight’s going to be one of those things that seem to last forever. – Cath Crowley
- Love in a night shall live and die,Love in a day shall wing and fly;Love in the Spring shall last an hour,Easily fade a spring-tide flower. – Aleister Crowley
- Hey, Cath. Will you warn me when you take off your glasses? – Rainbow Rowell
- Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness. – Aleister Crowley
- God, he thought, her eyes are so bright, flashing, deep, full of promise, all those things eyes are in books but never are in life, and she was his. – John Crowley
- I seem to remember asking myself if I was insane, and answering, ”Of couse I am – sanity is a compromise. Sanity is the thing that keeps one back. – Aleister Crowley
- Don’t talk for five minutes, there’s a good chap! I’ve a strange feeling come over me–almost as if I were going to think! – Aleister Crowley
- Beauty is itself so unattainable that it escapes altogether; and the true artist, like the true Mystic, can never rest – Aleister Crowley
- …the sole test of music is its power to exalt the soul. – Aleister Crowley
- Stab your demoniac smile to my brain,Soak me in cognac, love, and cocaine – Aleister Crowley
- Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. – John Crowley
- To resist and subdue Nature is to make for one’s self a personal and imperishable life: it is to break free from the vicissitudes of Life and Death. – Aleister Crowley
- Must not understanding lie open unto wisdom as the pyramids lie open to the stars? (6:2) – Aleister Crowley
- The better you tell an old story, the more you are talking about right now. – John Crowley
- Light, Life and Love are like three glow-worms at thy feet: the whole universe of stars, the dewdrops on the grass whereon thou walkest! – Aleister Crowley
- The keystone-¦ some have called God, some Brahma, some Zeus-¦ some even IAO-¦ but in truth, O seeker, it is Thy-SELF. – Aleister Crowley
- There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.Love is the law, love under will. – Aleister Crowley
- …in the absence of will power, the most complete collection of virtues and talents is wholly worthless. – Aleister Crowley
- We must conquer life by living it to the full, and then we can go to meet death with a certain prestige. – Aleister Crowley
- …the true test of the perversity of a pleasure is that it occupies a disproportionate amount of the attention. – Aleister Crowley
- I’d rather live one year with Love, Peace & Joy, than live 10 years with Worry, Anxiety & Hatred. It is not how long I live but how well I live. – RVM
- Because you live to love and love to live/ And because of what your heardrum will give/ Now we might love to live and live to love. – Janet Goodfriend
- Live to learn to love. Learn to love to live. Love to live to learn so that you may live the life that you yearn. – Rico Dasheem
- …[T]he really important thing is not to live, but to live well… [a]nd to live well means the same thing as to live honourably or rightly… – Socrates
- We live in everyone. I live in you. You live in me. There is no gap, no distance. – Amit Ray
- Accept to die before you live; you shall live free, then accept to live before you die, you shall have a beautiful life – Marcus L Lukusa
- To live a kingdom live on earth is to live by principles – Sunday Adelaja