Faith is knowing that when life doesn’t go quite as planned, it is, in fact. exactly as planned.
– Charles F Glassman
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- Gratitude opens the door to faith and faith opens the door to our relationship with God. – Charles F Glassman
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- Knowing why you are is your purpose.Knowing who you are is your style.Knowing what you are is your character – Debasish Mridha
- Attraction is so much more than a pretty face. It’s face is passion, attitude, kindness, & faith. – Charles F Glassman
- Faith and belief are not measured by the size of the miracle but the integrity of our soul. – Charles F Glassman
- Patience is the glue that binds hard work and faith. – Charles F Glassman
- I choose to walkwith gratitude, not envy; with faith, not worry; with confidence, not fear; with kindness, not anger. – Charles F Glassman
- For the health of my mind, body, and spirit, I choose to walk with:Gratitude not Envy;Faith not Worry;Confidence not Fear;Kindness not Anger. – Charles F Glassman
- Faith is not blind when you consistently take the right actions to reveal it. – Charles F Glassman
- Faith is not blind if you consistently take the right actions to reveal it. – Charles F Glassman
- When faith replaces fear, the gates open for you to receive enough money, optimal health, and genuine relationships. – Charles F Glassman
- Fear uncovers the impossible, while faith reveals the possible. – Charles F Glassman
- To stay grounded and feel secure, I choose:Faith over fear;Action over procrastination;Focus over distraction;Reflection over reaction. – Charles F Glassman
- A little belief, a little hope, a little faith is sometimes all you need to see the light. – Charles F Glassman
- Believing in the inherent good of humankind is akin to having faith. It is to believe in something that may not be readily apparent. – Charles F Glassman
- Fear slams the door on belief, hope, and faith. – Charles F Glassman
- Stress can destroy much more than just our physical health. Too often, it eats away at our hope, belief, and faith. – Charles F Glassman
- Fear uncovers the impossible, while faith uncovers the possible. – Charles F Glassman
- Faith is never blind when others see it in our actions. – Charles F Glassman
- A little belief, a little faith, a little hope is sometimes all we need, to see the light. – Charles F Glassman
- Faith is not the belief that everything will be all right tomorrow, but the belief that I possess the strength to make everything all right today. – Charles F Glassman
- Knowing nature is part of knowing God. Faith directs us to the invisible God, but leads us back from God to the entire visible world. – Arnold Albert van Ruler
- If you don’t know exactly where you are going (and why),that is exactly where you will end up. – Christopher Babson
- If you don’t know exactly what you want, that is exactly what you will get. – Christopher Babson
- Achieve complete clarity as to what you intend to achieve, and develop a real ‘knowing’ of exactly where you would like to be in your life. – Kevin Michel
- Taking responsibility of your life and knowing the fact that YOU attract people and events in your life is scary, isn’t it? – Maddy Malhotra
- I have placed my faith in humanity, but faith in the universal becomes meaningless without faith in the individual. -“ Panchali Draupadi – Krishna Udayasankar
- Prayer and faith are bound together. Faith is the inspiration for prayer, and prayer is the expression of that faith. – Elizabeth George
- When we lack faith, God is not surprised by it. When we lack faith, God can supply it. When we receive the faith He gives us, God is honored by it. – Jennifer L Lane
- Your life must be planned in such a way that you could get to a stage when you can say every day of your life is being converted to a product. – Sunday Adelaja
- God promises neither good life nor good health but live your life the way it is planned by you and fate. – Bashir F Biodun
- We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. – EM Forster
- You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you. – Joseph Campbell
- The only certainty in life is that it is uncertain. – Charles F Glassman