Christ asked people who follow him to be the voice for the voiceless – not to wire their mouths shut.
– Christina Engela
Related Quotes:
- It was our first date and I asked what his favorite movie is. He asked if I’d judge him, but instead of judging him I just loved him. – Dominic Riccitello
- It’s now what enters men’s mouths that’s evil. It’s what comes out of their mouths that is. – Paulo Coelho
- Make a commitment to serve the needs of the -˜least of these’ and give voice to the voiceless. – Artika Tyner
- Seek justice: Make a commitment to serve the needs of the -˜least of these’ and give voice to the voiceless. – Artika R Tyner
- If someone asked me if I liked him, Yes!If someone asked me if it was love, Jeez, no!Being offered sex with him, I’d say -˜hell, yeah!’. – Kavipriya Moorthy
- Being successful is the only way to keep doubters’ and haters’ mouths shut. – Mohith Agadi
- one idiot can shut 1000 wise men mouths, where as 1000 wise will fail to open the eyes of an idiot. – yssubramanyam
- Women need not always keep their mouths shut and their wombs open. – Emma Goldman
- The world would have been a better place if some men had just shut their mouths. – Bangambiki Habyarimana
- Be assured, a God who spoke the universe into existence would not need grains of dust to fight holy wars for him. – Christina Engela
- Some people don’t like ‘different’, it makes them scaredOf people who aren’t like them, I think that’s weird. – Christina Engela
- Loud actions, small people, loud voice, small mouths, loud world, small minds. – Mussadiq Abdul Rahim
- I saw that she didn’t want to answer that question and so I asked again: when mouths close it’s because there’s something important to be said. – Paulo Coelho
- People wonder who is who,Everyone is different – even you! – Christina Engela
- Some people think everyone should be the same as them:Look, dress, sound and act just like them. – Christina Engela
- Those who deny any group of people human rights are really denying the humanity of that group – and their own. – Christina Engela
- It’ is for objects, not people. – Christina Engela
- The idea that all people can and should live together in peace is not really a new one – but yet in practice it is very young indeed. – Christina Engela
- Any religion which demands death for other people is itself worthy of nothing less than it expects for others. In fact, it is probably long overdue. – Christina Engela
- isn’t lying supposed to be a ‘sin’? Or is it okay to lie when trying to make people you hate look bad? – Christina Engela
- The ‘institution of marriage’ is being threatened – by people getting married? Huh? – Christina Engela
- It is interesting indeed that some people think they are right to force others into believing what they believe. – Christina Engela
- What other people believe shouldn’t (be allowed to) hurt me. – Christina Engela
- The history of your world is filled with the voice of the victor, the voice of power, although it was not always a voice of sanity, by any means. – Barbara Marciniak
- I will have my serpent’s tongue – my woman’s voice, my sexual voice, my poet’s voice. I will overcome the tradition of silence. – Gloria E Anzalda
- Tom shut his eyes again, because when his eyes were shut, he could tell himself that there was light. – ND Wilson
- When you shut down vulnerability, you shut down opportunity – Bren Brown
- You follow voice of masses, Possibly you suppress your inner voice. – Bikash Bhandari
- Most people in the world are Christ lovers. And then there are Christ haters. But all of them are fixated on Christ, and he perpetuates for ever. – Marilyn Monroe
- Respect by fear isn’t respect… it’s fear. – Christina Engela
- Make sure you date someone who always makes you want to dance, with or without music. – Christina Engela
- Knowing who you are is more valuable than having ten ‘friends’ who don’t even know who they are, but who judge you anyway. – Christina Engela
- What would Jesus do? One thing is obvious, if there is one thing Jesus would NOT do – is to behave like his followers. – Christina Engela
- Isn’t it interesting how nationalistic attitudes foster the notion that being gay is ‘un-(fill in your nationality/ religion/ culture here)’? – Christina Engela
- Isn’t it strange that having a ???? automatically makes you a man, but having a ?????? isn’t enough to make me a woman? – Christina Engela
- If you hate others in the name of God, you should be looking within to see where it stopped being about God and where it started being about YOU. – Christina Engela
- You can only appreciate being up when you know what it’s like to have been down. – Christina Engela
- Sorry to disappoint you, parents – but when your kids come out as gay, bi or transgender, it is not about you. – Christina Engela
- Those who meet objections to their forcing their religion on others with cries of ‘Show respect!’ clearly have no grasp of irony. – Christina Engela
- Not being allowed to persecute someone else in the name of your religion does NOT equate to religious persecution. – Christina Engela