Sorry to disappoint you, parents – but when your kids come out as gay, bi or transgender, it is not about you.
– Christina Engela
Related Quotes:
- Other kids are kids almost just like you – it’s true.Other kids are kids too, but there’s no other you, but YOU! – Christina Engela
- Some kids are black, or brown – some kids are red, and others white.Kids come in all different colors, shapes and styles – beautiful and bright! – Christina Engela
- Jesus Christ did not perform any transgender miracles and no disciple was gay. – Felix Wantang
- Isn’t it interesting how nationalistic attitudes foster the notion that being gay is ‘un-(fill in your nationality/ religion/ culture here)’? – Christina Engela
- Some of the people we feel sorry for feel sorry for us for thinking that they are the ones who should be felt sorry for. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana
- I am so tired of begging your sorry ???, chasing your sorry ass down, tying your sorry ass up. ~ Mercy – Lucian Bane
- Disappointment is part of parenthood, Jasper. The trick is learnin’ to love your kids even when they disappoint you. – Barry Lyga
- I’m sorry to disappoint you, but my experience belongs to me, not the collective bloody unconscious. – Ian McEwan
- Well, fella, as much as I’d like to stick something up your ???, it ain’t gonna be my finger or anything else on my body-”sorry to disappoint. – A Violet End
- Our parents would not be -˜The best parents in the world’ (to us) if they were not our parents. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana
- Morning and eveningMaids heard the goblins cry:’Come buy our orchard fruits,Come buy, come buy – Christina Rossetti
- Please, I’m a transgender former boy-bander. You think I don’t know how to defend myself? – Libba Bray
- I’m transgender- she repeated. -œIt means I was born with certain male characteristics. One of which I still have. – Calloway North
- I’m transgender- she repeated. -œIt means I was born with certain male characteristics. One of which I still have. – Calloway North
- Love your friends’ kids even if you don’t want or like children. Just do it. – Roxane Gay
- I don’t want any gay people hanging around me while I’m killing kids. I just don’t want to see it. – Bill Hicks
- They say a happy childhood is a lousy preparation for life. Kids who spend their playground days fat, ginger or gay know the truth. – Adam Baker
- Let me tell you about gays in the military. I don’t want any gay people hanging around me while I’m killing kids. I just don’t want to see it. – Bill Hicks
- He’s not recruiting me to the oiled-up Gay Bliss Club of Northern Utah, but to the LDS Church. – Christina Lauren
- Respect by fear isn’t respect… it’s fear. – Christina Engela
- Some people think everyone should be the same as them:Look, dress, sound and act just like them. – Christina Engela
- Those who deny any group of people human rights are really denying the humanity of that group – and their own. – Christina Engela
- Freedom is being whole on my own and not needing somebody else to complete me. – Christina Engela
- It seems to me that wherever religion and politics mix in one body, fascist values – and not ‘family values’ – rear their ugly head. – Christina Engela
- The ‘institution of marriage’ is being threatened – by people getting married? Huh? – Christina Engela
- Make sure you date someone who always makes you want to dance, with or without music. – Christina Engela
- There are enough real enemies and threats in the world without having to invent imaginary ones. – Christina Engela
- There’s no point in arguing with an idiot – save for exposing their stupidity in their own words. – Christina Engela
- Knowing who you are is more valuable than having ten ‘friends’ who don’t even know who they are, but who judge you anyway. – Christina Engela
- What would Jesus do? One thing is obvious, if there is one thing Jesus would NOT do – is to behave like his followers. – Christina Engela
- Anger – justifiable anger in the face of oppression and prejudice – should not be mistaken for hatred. – Christina Engela
- Isn’t it strange that having a ???? automatically makes you a man, but having a ?????? isn’t enough to make me a woman? – Christina Engela
- If you hate others in the name of God, you should be looking within to see where it stopped being about God and where it started being about YOU. – Christina Engela
- Be assured, a God who spoke the universe into existence would not need grains of dust to fight holy wars for him. – Christina Engela
- It is easy for those who conflate religion with government to interpret any criticism of government or policy as an ‘attack’ on their ‘faith’. – Christina Engela
- You cannot fix racism with more racism. – Christina Engela
- You can only appreciate being up when you know what it’s like to have been down. – Christina Engela
- Christ asked people who follow him to be the voice for the voiceless – not to wire their mouths shut. – Christina Engela
- Those who meet objections to their forcing their religion on others with cries of ‘Show respect!’ clearly have no grasp of irony. – Christina Engela
- Not being allowed to persecute someone else in the name of your religion does NOT equate to religious persecution. – Christina Engela