How do YOU know what God meant? Did he whisper into your ear? Did he put the knife in your heart? Did he put a gun in your hand?
– Christina Engela
Related Quotes:
- The knife is more dangerous than the hand and the knife can be in either hand. – Frank Herbert
- On this Valentine’s Day I like to whisper in your ear the silent songs of my heart. – Debasish Mridha
- Respect the hand stronger than your hand if and only if that hand is just and an honourable hand! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- Just a thought for all you God-fearin’, gun-lovin’, Bible-thumpin’ 2nd Amendment patriots. If it turns out Heaven’s a gun-free zone, what’s plan B??? – Quentin R Bufogle
- I came from a real tough neighborhood. Once a guy pulled a knife on me. I knew he wasn’t a professional, the knife had ????er on it. – Rodney Dangerfield
- I am not the sharpest knife in the knife-thing. – Jimmy Dore
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- I brought a knife to the gunfight. I am the knife. I am all blade. – Clementine von Radics
- If you hate others in the name of God, you should be looking within to see where it stopped being about God and where it started being about YOU. – Christina Engela
- Her voice was a hushed whisper against my ear. An audible smile. – Richard E Gropp
- He wanted to know something about me. I leaned over and put my mouth to his ear. It was barely a whisper.’I’m a murderer. – Ruta Sepetys
- Yes, his ear. I was attracted to his ear. While I was in church. I’m pretty sure that solidifies my position as the weirdest person on the planet. – Amanda Hamm
- murder is not only when you took knife or gun and killed someone.Sometime you kill someone by your Act and deeds That’s is also Murder – Mohammed Zaki Ansari
- There is no perfect security only maximum temporary security – Gun Gun Febrianza
- Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down. – Malcolm X
- I have a very strict gun control policy: if there’s a gun around, I want to be in control of it. – Clint Eastwood
- Leadership. A gun to protect or a gun to kill. Your choice. – Alin Sav
- Only a coward carries a gun, a brave person never needs a gun. – MF Moonzajer
- In the 4th Wave, you can’t trust that people are still people. But you can trust that your gun is still your gun. – Rick Yancey
- The Greatest Enemy of Confidence is Inexperience – Gun Gun Febrianza
- Children played guessing games, telling each other whether the gun fired was and AK-47, a G3, an RPG, or a machine gun. – Ishmael Beah
- If it’s that jerk, he’s going to see my gun. -˜My body is a weapon.’ Dumb sh*t. I bet my gun can take out his body really damn quick. – Lexi Blake
- If it’s that jerk, he’s going to see my gun. -˜My body is a weapon.’ Dumb sh*t. I bet my gun can take out his body really damn quick. – Lexi Blake
- Tyler and me at the edge of the roof, the gun in my mouth, I’m wondering how clean this gun is. – Chuck Palahniuk
- Be assured, a God who spoke the universe into existence would not need grains of dust to fight holy wars for him. – Christina Engela
- Remember some books are meant to be tasted, some books are meant to be chewed and, finally, some books are meant to be swallowed whole. – Robin S Sharma
- Respect by fear isn’t respect… it’s fear. – Christina Engela
- Some people think everyone should be the same as them:Look, dress, sound and act just like them. – Christina Engela
- Those who deny any group of people human rights are really denying the humanity of that group – and their own. – Christina Engela
- It seems to me that wherever religion and politics mix in one body, fascist values – and not ‘family values’ – rear their ugly head. – Christina Engela
- Make sure you date someone who always makes you want to dance, with or without music. – Christina Engela
- Knowing who you are is more valuable than having ten ‘friends’ who don’t even know who they are, but who judge you anyway. – Christina Engela
- What would Jesus do? One thing is obvious, if there is one thing Jesus would NOT do – is to behave like his followers. – Christina Engela
- Isn’t it interesting how nationalistic attitudes foster the notion that being gay is ‘un-(fill in your nationality/ religion/ culture here)’? – Christina Engela
- Anger – justifiable anger in the face of oppression and prejudice – should not be mistaken for hatred. – Christina Engela
- Isn’t it strange that having a ???? automatically makes you a man, but having a ?????? isn’t enough to make me a woman? – Christina Engela
- Christ asked people who follow him to be the voice for the voiceless – not to wire their mouths shut. – Christina Engela
- Sorry to disappoint you, parents – but when your kids come out as gay, bi or transgender, it is not about you. – Christina Engela
- Those who meet objections to their forcing their religion on others with cries of ‘Show respect!’ clearly have no grasp of irony. – Christina Engela
- Not being allowed to persecute someone else in the name of your religion does NOT equate to religious persecution. – Christina Engela