That moment you realize you are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and the wrong thing for the right reasons.
– Christy Hall
Related Quotes:
- Doing better is creativity,doing faster is creativity,doing smarter is creativity,doing right is creativity.doing Exclusive is creating identity. – Mohit Manke
- It’s okay to fail. It does not make you forever a failure. In fact, there are no failures really. Only human beings doing the best they can. – Christy Hall
- Don’t fool yourself. Talking about writing is not the same as actually doing it. – Christy Hall
- He’d kill you all right. No sweat. But for the wrong reasons. Amateur’s reasons. Of course, you’ll be just as dead. – Laurell K Hamilton
- realize what you are not doing and dare to do what you are not doing. What distinctive thing are you not doing? – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and a body ain’t got no business doing wrong when he ain’t ignorant and knows better. – Mark Twain
- Doing better is creativity, doing faster is creativity, doing smarter is creativity, doing right is creativity. – Amit Kalantri
- Doing nothing can be as rewarding as doing something. And doing very little can be as productive, in a creative sense, as doing a lot. – Fennel Hudson
- His presence was stirring heat in all the wrong places and for all the wrong reasons. – Justine Dell
- I bask in that sympathy because it’s nice to have somebody who cares, even if it’s the wrong person for the wrong reasons. – Nenia Campbell
- People who praise a leader even when he is doing the wrong things are the main reasons why his fall is near. – Israelmore Ayivor
- I want everyday magic. – Christy Hall
- If you think someone is humble, never tell them so. You will unknowingly rob them of the very thing you admire. – Christy Hall
- Walking the Camino de Santiago taught me the wonders of physical challenge, the wonders of spiritual freedom, and the wonders of baby powder. – Christy Hall
- If I had a nickel for all the times I’ve been shushed in my life? Bam! Instant millionaire! – Christy Hall
- Each night, I close my eyes and dream. In the morning, I open my eyes again, but the dreaming doesn’t stop. – Christy Hall
- Sometimes I dream so vividly, so expectantly, I wonder if I’m crazy… – Christy Hall
- I know it’s difficult in the beginning. But, listen. If you have the impulse to write, do yourself a favor, do the world a favor, and write. – Christy Hall
- It’s hard to be a dreamer sometimes. I’m tired. – Christy Hall
- Life baffles me most days. Maybe that’s why I write. To try and make sense of it all. – Christy Hall
- The defining lines of reality have always been a bit blurred for me. – Christy Hall
- I am swimming in a sea of words, attempting to keep my head above water. – Christy Hall
- I have written until I fell asleep with my computer on my lap. That can’t be normal. – Christy Hall
- Give all that you can. No more. No less. Every. Single. Day. – Christy Hall
- I write because that is what I am supposed to do. – Christy Hall
- A writer writes. There are no exceptions to this reality. No excuses. Stop wasting time talking about your stories and get them on paper. – Christy Hall
- Let life be the foundation. Be brave. Wander deep inside yourself to the little room no one knows about. Fling the door wide open and write. – Christy Hall
- This life is full of signs, many of which find their way to you exactly when you need them most. – Christy Hall
- Nothing makes you feel smaller than New York City… – Christy Hall
- I’ve never been high. Writing is my drug of choice. You don’t ever have to come down from that kind of high, I tell ya. And, best part is, it’s free. – Christy Hall
- A writing day is like any other day. Except I live in my pajamas, I forget to eat, and I suddenly look up, wondering when day turned into night. – Christy Hall
- Lost in New York City. Not that I don’t know where I am, but rather perplexed as to where I am going. – Christy Hall
- You are more ready and able to grasp at opportunity when your hands are empty. – Christy Hall
- Lost in New York City. Not that I don’t know where I am, but rather perplexed as to where I am going. – Christy Hall
- New York is perfect. Just the way it is. In all its imperfection. – Christy Hall
- Live inside your stories, yes, but do not hide behind them. – Christy Hall
- I’m turning into an old man. I own four pairs of oxfords, my stories get a little long winded, and my neighbors play their music too loud. – Christy Hall
- I mean. You put puppies in a store front, I will stop and giddily stare. Every. Single. Time. – Christy Hall
- You know you’re officially an adult when you finally understand WHY Miss Hannigan was drinking bath water. – Christy Hall
- Q: Best part about being a musical theatre book writer?A: Explaining what that is. – Christy Hall