My life is too often driven by the fear of the next moment verses focusing on the privilege that I have the next moment.
– Craig D Lounsbrough
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- One great function of Bible verses: To keep us from drawing false inferences from other Bible verses. – John Piper
- We fear beginnings we fear endings. We fear changing we fear -œstaying stuck.- We fear success we fear failure. We fear living we fear dying. – Susan Jeffers
- Peace is achieved when our conscience rests in the fact that we’ve engaged in -˜right’ living, verses believing that living is a -˜right. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- It would be wise to define -˜living’ as walking in the fullest expression of who I am, verses wallowing in the confines of who I’m not. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- We have errantly romanticized love as something we freely get verses something we sacrifice for in the giving. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Denial is fear gone delusional. Acceptance is fear given to God. Engaging is fear overruled by God. Victory is fear banished by God. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Each moment is just that… a moment. Whether good or bad it will pass to the next. Forward to the next and create a wonderful life. – Gillian Duce
- When you surround yourself with dramatic people, your life will be driven by drama instead of being driven by destiny. – Gugu Mona
- Abundant living is realizing that life is a privilege whether it’s adhering to our scripts or not. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Death reminds us that life is a temporary privilege, not an endless right. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- …we find our vocations not by focusing on ourselves, but by focusing on others. – Jeff Goins
- If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size of you! – T Harv Eker
- Focusing on effective leadership without focusing on a willingness to follow is like studying clapping by studying only the left hand. – Jonathan Haidt
- Maybe my greater fear should not be fear itself, but what I will lose should I submit to fear. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Training is an active, dynamic process lived out daily in all areas of life- not a rote exercise in memorizing verses and going to church every week. – Craig Groeschel
- A system is corrupt when it is strictly profit-driven, not driven to serve the best interests of its people, but those of multinational corporations. – Suzy Kassem
- People who are driven by love will overcome hardships and hurdles in ways that people who are only driven by profit never can. – Simon S Tam
- The assumption of -˜rights’ is the cancer of privilege. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- God has given me both the right and privilege to outrun Him if I so choose. Yet, if I do so, I will have lost the race. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- We live with this tortured feeling that we must create that which in reality we have the privilege of finding. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- What is next to ecstasy?Pain.What is next to pain?Nothingness.What is next to nothingness?Hell. – Umera Ahmed
- Too often fear is fiction madly running amuck, all the while madly tracking -˜muck’ across the floor of fact. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Fear is often bred of an imagination that couldn’t let something be what it actually was. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Every moment is a moment of hope, moment of beauty, a moment of joy and it is our life. – Debasish Mridha
- The paralyzing fear of being lost is fed solely by the irrational fear that we will never be found. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- The step that we are on is only a step to the next place, and no step regardless of how massive is ever a destination. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Good tells us that our agenda is the agenda of the person next to us. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Most of us focus so much on ‘capturing’ the moment that we don’t realize we keep losing it for the next which we will lose next:-) – Prashant Chopra
- The true friend . . . knows that you need him in that very moment -“not tomorrow, not next week. By next week you may happy, or you may be dead. – Suzanne Massie
- Life happened in the past. Life will happen in the future, but life is happening at this moment. Live in this moment. Seize this moment! – Debasish Mridha
- Instead of the weight that sinks us, consequences are often the life preserver that saves us. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Too often the spotlight that highlights our successes burns out quickly, while the spotlight that scrutinizes our failures is a long-life bulb. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- There are often two sets of goals in life: those that we establish, and those that really matter. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- When I’m focusing on what’s important to God, I live differently. I invest my time differently. – Craig Groeschel
- Life is all about Expectations verses Reality, be in reality. – Bharath Mamidoju
- The moment you start to fear God is the moment demons begin to fear you. – Cyc Jouzy
- The Fear of failure is the greatest fear of man. Even the fear of death is fear of failing to continue life. – Anup Kochhar
- Being in integrity’ only means all your senses are just focusing on that task, in that moment!!! – Harrish Sairaman
- At this moment God might not necessarily be a necessity, but know that His absence will of necessity eventually result in His necessity. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Too often it’s about what stands before us, not what stands within us. – Craig D Lounsbrough