Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle.
– Criss Jami
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- It is not true that everyone is special. It is true that everyone was once special and still possesses the ability to recover it. – Criss Jami
- Peace ought not be regarded the height of civilization, else like barbarians we forever battle for peace. – Criss Jami
- Men seek a great deal, but fatally close, albeit very different, is one’s pride in proving oneself right with one’s zeal for finding the truth. – Criss Jami
- One who enjoys finding errors will then start creating errors to find. – Criss Jami
- The greater ignorance towards a country is not ignoring what its politicians have to say, it is ignoring what the inmates in its prisons have to say. – Criss Jami
- A wise man’s goal shouldn’t be to say something profound, but to say something useful. – Criss Jami
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- Sex and battle were each dangerous in their own ways. – Richelle Mead
- Unsettling are the days in which everyone is an expert. – Criss Jami
- The best people are always the worst. They drive everyone mad by being so good at second-guessing everything bad. – Criss Jami
- Where everyone wants to be a leader, it makes one a follower to want to be a leader, and a leader to know what to follow. – Criss Jami
- The hardest thing for a sane person to do is not care what anyone thinks, although everyone swears by it, hence our glorification of insanity. – Criss Jami
- Look for the person everyone hates, and love them. – Criss Jami
- When everyone believes they are the life coaches, who are the players? – Criss Jami
- A part of me genuinely wanted to be the worst because I was so sick of everyone fighting to be the best. – Criss Jami
- They say, they own a piece of land. I say, you don’t even own your own body. – Vinita Kinra
- All art is an expression and extension of ourselves.. Art finds its deepest value when it is the authentic expression of a deep human experience. – Erwin Raphael McManus
- Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need. – Marshall B Rosenberg
- An imperfect creative expression is much more sensible and creative than a grammatically perfect expression without an iota of sense and value in it. – Michael Bassey Johnson
- The limits of freedom of expression is tautological: it ends at the point where it begins to affect the freedom of expression of others. – Rafael k Nunes
- I’m a peasantI’m the muzhikA pest you’re destined to play the musicAnd yes it’s pleasant to say it’s beauty I’mIndebted to rest respecting it truly – Criss Jami
- Knowing the truth is so minuscule compared to having the nerve to say it…and even more to live it. – Criss Jami
- Peculiar I say, how so often the smallest, most seemingly insignificant details later unveil their faces as vital means for progression. – Criss Jami
- Maturity is when you’re able to say, ‘It’s not just them. It’s me. – Criss Jami
- God loves each person, I believe; although, just like we do in our private homes, He reserves His kingdom only for those whom He enjoys. – Criss Jami
- You can receive all the compliments in the world, but that won’t do a thing unless you believe it yourself. – Criss Jami
- To believe in the truth of Christ is to be introduced to another form of hatred, and that is not sharing Him. – Criss Jami
- I still believe that many Americans have a deep longing for that glorious moment when a sermon is more Biblical than American. – Criss Jami
- The sea in all its vastness is its own, real world. Man is nature’s sci-fi. – Criss Jami
- Simply minding one’s own business is more offensive than being intrusive. Without ever saying a word one can make a person feel less-than. – Criss Jami
- If you’re capable of despising your own behavior, you might just love yourself. – Criss Jami
- An anomaly has his own ambitions. You can try reasoning with him, but that’s like using money to bribe a beast. – Criss Jami
- You can be yourself without pursuing yourself. Have you ever seen a dog chase his own tail? He just runs in circles. – Criss Jami
- When focusing only on one’s credentials one boasts his own incompetence in his capacity for discernment of the individual. – Criss Jami