Take time for the clearance of the mind, preparing for adherence to perseverance for the journey of another thousand miles.
– Curtis Tyrone Jones
Related Quotes:
- Keep planting new seeds until your mind becomes the earth that gives birth to new worlds. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimes the things that destroy you, become the architectural blueprints which make your mind royal. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- When the doors begin to close, the mind begins to open. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Wise is the fool who becomes a master at laughter. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- You see yourself as a shipwreck, but we see your treasure glowing inside, beneath the oceans in your eyes. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- It’s funny how the ugly duckling always has so many beautiful things to teach us. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimes i don’t have enough soul in my cheeks to show my face to the world. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimes life requires more of you than you have to give & demands you plunge into the reinvention of yourself if you truly wanna live. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimes we need a wise guide to peel back the ceiling of our lives to remind us that infinity never places any limits on our skies. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimesi don’t haveenough soulin my cheeksto show myface to theworld. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Develop distinct habits of wreaking havoc on any stinking thinking addicted to launching mental missiles aimed at sinking your unique magic. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- We’re only lucky enough to see the wonders of nature’s canyons because they’re gracious enough to show us the places they’ve been damaged. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimes we must gravitate towards madness before we can levitate on greatness. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- One of the greatest keys to happiness is realizing it has no doors. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimes people outside of your people act more like your people than your people. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Earth is the ball. Humanity is the goal. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- One of the greatest keys to happiness is learning how to accept reality while stretching forth to create a new one. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Being gifted means facing the next level of depth without ever being repulsed by the curse that comes with the magic of being different. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- You broughtme your darkness& I loved youwith the radianttears of athousand suns. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimes the only way to gain someones favor is to stop giving them yours. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- If you can dance like raindrops, there will always be sunshine. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Sometimes the only way to gain someone’s favor is to stop giving them yours. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Outer gavels can’t crush you when your inner judge is love. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- The deeper magic always comes, in the intense sorcery of your inner silence. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- We feel the most balance when we’re not dividing ourselves on other people’s scales. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Rigorously comb through the pages of your life until you can even speak its broken dialects fluently. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- When good things are on the horizon you keep walking towards the sun. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Life can’t be rushed. It takes time to develop the wrinkles of wisdom. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Be patient with those who can’t see your vision, because sometimes it takes time for eyes to adjust to the light. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Some days punch us in the gut so hard it seems we can feel the whole universe gasp with despair. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Hating yourself is like hating the sun. No matter how much you complain of it agitating your eyes, its brilliance shines on. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- If you keep standing on the verge of greatness, you’ll eventually get the courage to leap into it. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- If you keep standing on the verge of greatness, you’ll eventually get the courage to leap into it, – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- A daily dosage of positive energy so corrosive that it wears out every negative doubt as the gap between the dream & reality closes. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- I keepholding upthe mirror of the sun,so you can see the stunningreflections of everythingyou’re becom-ing. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- i love watching what you become when life thinks it has you cornered. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Nurtured by negative circumstances, braiding raging tornadoes in her hair, she held her head high, wearing her weathered poetry with pride. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Your oddity is your hottest commodity but you scratch yourself like it’s the lottery to reject yourself mentally, spiritually & bodily. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- Your oddity is your hottest commodity but you scratch yourself like it’s the lottery to reject yourself mentally, spiritually & bodily. – Curtis Tyrone Jones
- You must befriend a few skeletons before you’ll find your deepest self. – Curtis Tyrone Jones