adulthood is depressing. for me at least. i cried at the death of every illusion harder than i cried at the death of friends.
– Darnell Lamont Walker
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- Non Violence and Religion: Both designed to keep the oppressed from murdering their oppressors. – Darnell Lamont Walker
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- Always be you! Just never think you can always be you without consequence. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- The walls around the hood keep the people on the inside from the changes on the outside. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- I’ve always looked at America like a foster mother doing it only for the check. At any minute, I just knew she’d be ready to give up on me. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- She said she wanted to see beautiful things. I took her to where i planted my seeds. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- Politicians and figureheads bank on the amnesia of the ignorant. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- It’s okay to not know who you are and what you want. Those with the answers are usually very happy in their own stuck-ness – Darnell Lamont Walker
- America’s put American Black Folks in such a bad position, empty plates and glasses now get us full. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- They made you an Amendment and convinced you it meant ‘American. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- You don’t get to turn someone’s sanctuary into an unsafe space. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- But you have to sacrifice yourself for YOURSELF, too. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- If they knew how much you kept inside to keep from hurting them, but hurting yourself instead, maybe they’d love you more. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- I didn’t mean to snore in your ear, but I wanted to inhale all of what was wrapped up in the comforter with me. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- Black bodies have become ornamental, haven’t they? – Darnell Lamont Walker
- Black people are either threats or entertainment. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- You can’t forgive your captor and simultaneously be upset at your place in society. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- Sorrow is what I feel for people who aren’t doing what they love. I keep my distance from them as though they’re contagious. They are, I believe. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- My ideas ???? like rabbits. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- An HBCU that is not inherently revolutionary is irrelevant. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- Sometimes, some of you speak about god, and I mistake him for an abusive lover you’re trying to escape. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- The masters and overseers were so good at employee development, in their absence, the employees still achieved the company’s mission – Darnell Lamont Walker
- Gonna pretend to be a deaf mute who knows no sign one day, meet a woman, and we’ll write for the rest of our lives. – Darnell Lamont Walker
- Not everything set on fire will rise. – Darnell Lamont Walker