When infused with compassion, even the most useless snake oils have the power to heal broken hearts and shattered souls.
– Darren Main
Related Quotes:
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- Heal yourself, heal the world. To change our world, we must heal and open our hearts. – Eileen Anglin
- Meditation alone cannot heal the world, but it can and does speed up the healing process. – Darren Main
- A snake must be treated as a snake, forgiving it every time it showed you its fangs, will not transform into a garland of flowers. – Himmilicious
- The main thing is to keep THE MAIN THING the main thing – stefan calin
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- If you want to heal a broken heart,Be smart! That’s all an ancient art.Start by loving the very small partsThat were left there shattered apart. – Ana Claudia Antunes
- You can be broken into a dozen shattered pieces and still heal the world because service has its own medicine–hope. – Shannon L Alder
- When you awaken and are self aware, you heal. When you heal, you heal the world. – Eileen Anglin
- Compassion is even more powerful than courage. Sure, with courage you can conquer a world – but only with compassion can you heal and build it. – Rasheed Ogunlaru
- When it comes to emotions, women know how to paint with the full set of oils, while men are busy doodling with crayons. – Hank Moody
- Wrong solitude vinegars the soul, right solitude oils it. – Jane Hirshfield
- The hardest part of any yoga practice is rolling out your mat. – Darren Main
- The narrow edge between comfort and discomfort is to a yogi what a grain of sand is to an oyster. – Darren Main
- The great paradox of life is that to fully live, we must let a piece of ourselves die. – Darren Main
- Standing at the end of a diving board looking at the water never made the water warmer, but it will make taking the plunge unnecessarily hard. – Darren Main
- Sculpting the future and healing the past can only happen through mindful action in the present moment. – Darren Main
- How can I not believe that there is a God who exists and loves, when the people before me are infused with that love and pour it out daily? – Katherine Reay
- Creativity is infused with an inner cohesion and comes from a vision of uniqueness. – Pearl Zhu
- The person who exudes a love of life, infused with charm and a smile, this is the person of value. – Colin Myles
- If two men on the same job agree all the time, then one is useless. If they disagree all the time, both are useless. – Darryl F Zanuck
- Guilt is a useless feeling. It’s never enough to make you change direction- only enough to paralyze you and make you… well, useless. – Daniel Nayeri
- Guilt is a useless feeling. It’s never enough to make you change direction–only enough to make you useless. – Daniel Nayeri
- Why we love with close heartsWhy we love with souls apart Let the love flow from hearts to souls, Let the world glow – Megha Khare
- I have not broken your heart – you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine. – Emily Bront
- By loving the broken parts in youI learn to love the broken parts in me.I learn that we are not broken after all. – Kate McGahan
- We are, without doubt, broken people living with other broken people in a broken world. – Tullian Tchividjian
- Broken hearts mend but souls forever fight the battle. – Jay Long
- We must all get our hearts broken sometimes. This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something – Elizabeth Gilbert
- I know I’m the one who has shattered the perfection that was our souls as one. – Cassandra Giovanni
- Every divorce represents a broken dream, a shattered hope, a ruined expectation. – Billy Graham
- Love is the reflection of a broken heart in a shattered mirror… – Abhysheq Shukla
- You’ve left me with a kaleidoscope of broken smiles and shattered dreams. – Karen Quan
- It’s what’s buried deep inside that frightens me because it’s broken, like a shattered mirror. – Jessica Sorensen
- If Chase’s wings are broken, then mine are shattered. – SR Grey
- As a physician, we heal by sharing our bestowed power of knowledge, love, and compassion. – Debasish Mridha
- She’s the main character in her story, just like I’m the main character in mine. – Marisa de los Santos
- As a writer, the main skill you need is curiosity. As a reader, the main tool you need is open-mindedness. – Gloria D Gonsalves