Unreason is an essential medicine as long as you do not overdose.
– Dean Koontz
Related Quotes:
- Maybe the consequences of someone’s unreason can be remedied only with a new unreason? – Igor Eliseev
- I survive by finding the sweet spot between reason and unreason, between the rational and irrational. – Dean Koontz
- the medicine wheel is inside of you it not in a pile of stones the medicine wheel is inside the heart and body – Medicine Turtle
- I don’t mind functional medicine. I suppose it has to be better than dysfunctional medicine. – Nancy S Mure
- Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. – Hippocrates
- I don’t mind the term functional medicine — I suppose it’s better than dysfunctional medicine. – Nancy S Mure
- Law and order are the medicine of the politic body and when the politic body gets sick, medicine must be administered. – BR Ambedkar
- Books are a hard-bound drug with no danger of an overdose. I am the happy victim of books. – Karl Lagerfeld
- You can’t overdose on friends, only enemies. – Thomas F Shubnell
- Reason, in the end, will win against unreason. – Nick Clegg
- Henry knew sin was a challenge to life; not an act of unreason, but an act of courage and determination. – John Fowles
- Eating cholesterol and bad fat will contribute to heart disease if and only if you bathe them in a massive lifelong overdose of insulin and glucose. – Mark Sisson
- The objection to propaganda is not only its appeal to unreason, but still more the unfair advantage which it gives to the rich and powerful. – Bertrand Russell
- If the sleep of reason produces monsters, what does the sleep of unreason produce? – Guillermo Cabrera Infante
- my mother died of an overdose of sleeping pills after extensive surgery so that the cause of death was probably listed as despair. – Sue Grafton
- An overdose of love is logically consistent curative. – Kristian Goldmund Aumann
- Sometimes waiting is the hardest thing. – Dean Koontz
- Art is the only answer to chaos and the void. – Dean Koontz
- He would pray…for everyone who knew pain, which meant everyone who wore a human face. – Dean Koontz
- Sometimes it seems that to exit this world, they must go through my heart, leaving me scarred and sore. – Dean Koontz
- Then perhaps you shouldn’t sleep. The imagination has terrifying power. – Dean Koontz
- …it will be a world made not bright but brighter, not clean but cleaner. – Dean Koontz
- A broken thing can’t fix itself. – Dean Koontz
- In his mind he saw them standing with the tips of their organs pressed together ejaculating into each other’s ?????. – Dean Koontz
- Recognizing the structure of your psychology doesn’t mean that you can easily rebuild it. – Dean Koontz
- I never plan for the future but wander into it with a smile on my face, hope in my heart, and the hair up on the nape of my neck. – Dean Koontz
- Hope, love and faith are in the waiting. – Dean Koontz
- You be careful, Wizard. Interestingly eccentric friends aren’t easy to find. – Dean Koontz
- I am sustained by the certainty that life has meaning. As does death. – Dean Koontz
- Darkness dwells within even the best of us. In the worst of us, darkness not only dwells but reins. – Dean Koontz
- Virtue is imaginative. Evil, repetitive. – Dean Koontz
- Hope lies in action – Dean Koontz
- Hell of a thing to have to experience, hell of a thing to have to see, to be reminded you’re a human being and all it meant to be one. – Dean Koontz
- Some people like to hear themselves talk, but I like to hear myself silent. – Dean Koontz
- …in an infinite universe, anything that could be imagined might somewhere exist. – Dean Koontz
- All she wanted was love with respect, respect was so important to her, and I could give her that. – Dean Koontz
- To get through life successfully, body and soul must translate each other correctly more often than not. – Dean Koontz
- Chronologically she is twelve, but emotionally she is older, and intellectually older still. – Dean Koontz
- Holy men tell us life is a mystery.They embrace that concept happily.But some mysteries bite and barkand come to get you in the dark. – Dean Koontz
- You do what you have to do. That’s who you seem to be to me, anyway. You’re one who does what he has to do. – Dean Koontz