Kindness is the universal language of pure love, so let us express ourselves with kindness.
– Debasish Mridha
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- Love and kindness are the universal language of all creation. – Debasish Mridha
- Everyone can understand music which is the universal language of love and kindness. – Debasish Mridha
- Music is healing and soothing. It is the universal language of kindness and love. – Debasish Mridha
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- When you gain higher consciousness, your consciousness becomes universal and you become ageless, endless, and universal. – Debasish Mridha
- Your subconscious mind is the universal mind with a universal consciousness. – Debasish Mridha
- Kindness and love, love and kindness.. You can’t have one without the other.. Kindness and love go hand-in-hand. – Heather Wolf
- Let kindness be the flower of your heart and fragrance of your mind. Let it fill the world with peace, joy and the fragrance of kindness. – Debasish Mridha
- Music is the universal language, because it is the language of the universe. – Charles F Glassman
- When we do our best to treat others with kindness, it’s often a struggle to determine which actions best express our love and care for ourselves. – Sharon Salzberg
- Compassion is the highest form of love. Kindness is the best way to express love. – Debasish Mridha
- Love cannot come from where love is not. We cannot express love from within us for another if there is no love for ourselves within us. – O Shakoor
- Everyone around you becomes kind and loving when you express your kindness and beauty of love. – Debasish Mridha
- On the way, see the beauty, find the love, and express the kindness. – Debasish Mridha
- Never lose a chance to love someone and express kindness to someone. – Debasish Mridha
- Reason is powerless when we express love with empathy and kindness. – Debasish Mridha
- Happiness is there when you express kindness, compassion, and unconditional love and fill yourself with bliss and joy. – Debasish Mridha
- When you serve the humanity with compassion and kindness,You express your spontaneous love and inner greatness. – Debasish Mridha
- Let pure love be your guide and never let your heart burn. – Debasish Mridha
- Morality is societal, but kindness is universal. Be kind even if it not always ethical. – Debasish Mridha
- Kindness if the best form of prayer and a gift of pure love. – Debasish Mridha
- Love, gratitude, compassion, and kindness are the sources of all enduring, pure happiness. – Debasish Mridha
- Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. – Lao Tzu
- Boys are universal giver, women remains universal receiver. – Santosh Kalwar
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- the deepest subjective experiences are also the most universal, because through them one reaches the universal source of life. – Emil M Cioran
- Now you may hear songs of kindness From every singing bird And from every dancing heart Let kindness be the part of your being – Debasish Mridha
- Let us express love to lead and lead to love. – Debasish Mridha MD
- Where you don’t see pure love, there is indeed no path to moksha [ultimate liberation] there. Where there is a fee, there is no pure love there! – Dada Bhagwan
- To feel the joy too much:let us trust too much,let us love too much, let us hope too muchand let us belong too much. – Debasish Mridha
- Let me be kind, let me be compassionate, let me be joyful, and let me sing a song of love. – Debasish Mridha
- We are with ourselves 24/7, so we should try to treat ourselves with the most kindness, love and respect. – Karen A Baquiran
- I am neither moral or immoral. I am amoral, and I express it through my kindness. – Debasish Mridha
- Take every opportunity to express kindness. – Debasish Mridha
- The language of marriage is often a language of ownership, not a language of partnership. – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- All women speak two languages:-¨the language of men-¨and the language of silent suffering.-¨ Some women speak a third,-¨the language of queens. – Mohja Kahf