Happiness is the satisfaction you feel. There’s delight, joy, excitement and pleasant surprise.
– Dee Dee Artner
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- Stop Blaming. Take responsibility for your thoughts and your actions. – Dee Dee Artner
- Not everyone understand everything. – Dee Dee Artner
- what you don’t know will cost you. – Dee Dee Artner
- Quality is not for compromise. – Dee Dee Artner
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- Do something that surprises yourself cause if you don’t surprise yourself, you’re not going to surprise anybody else. – Logan Henderson
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- The fact that you are not perfect may come as a surprise to you but it is not a surprise to anyone else. – John Patrick Hickey
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- the only one who wanted to be free. Surprise, surprise. CHAPTER – JR Ward
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- When you fill others lives with love and happiness,your life will be full with pleasant surprises. – Debasish Mridha
- Happiness is divine-state of satisfaction. – Lailah Gifty Akita
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- A sense of purpose is essential for achieving happiness and satisfaction in life. – Julie LythcottHaims