When you think you are ready you are not ready.When you are not ready you are ready……You think you knowBut you don’t know..
– Deyth Banger
Related Quotes:
- DeYtH Banger is a character, who is famous because of me, who is created by me and who lives by me… – Deyth Banger
- You’ll be ready for this change – when you’re ready -“ not a moment before. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not ready. – Kelly Martin
- My hands are small, I knowBut they’re not yours, they are my ownBut they’re not yours, they are my ownAnd I am never broken – Jewel
- We should be ready for a change. – Deyth Banger
- Why humans aren’t ready? (On Vsauce) – Deyth Banger
- Let’s be private… I am different character and DeYtH is different as character. – Deyth Banger
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- People learn when they are ready to learn. Are you ready? – Lorii Myers
- When a lady is ready to marry, she has to wait for a man to come for her.When a man is ready to marry, he just has to make his choice – Faithful Akpaloo
- The voice sang on, -œI am ready, I am ready, I am fine. I am fine, I am fine, I am fine.- I played it again. I was not fine. – Kimberly Novosel
- I am ready for battle. I am ready to fight. – Ashley Earley
- One must always keep the tools of statecraft sharp and ready. Power and fear -“ sharp and ready. – Frank Herbert
- The world he had left was not ready for his return, or rather, he was not ready to return to the world he had left. – Matthew J Hefti
- True leaders are ready to sweat when making rehearsal, than to cry tears when actually practicing. To save the tears, be ready to sweat! – Israelmore Ayivor
- The colored hobo and now Junior Rabbit had told us, -˜Be ready to compete but be ready to fight too or you may not get a chance to compete’. – Clarence Hunter
- You ready for this? You ready for what I’m gonna do to you? – Sherilee Gray
- People always getting ready for tomorrow. I didn’t believe in that. Tomorrow wasn’t getting ready for them. It didn’t even know they were there. – Cormac McCarthy
- f you are ready to cry..to feel the pain..to take the risk? You are ready for love – Kiran Joshi
- Instead of waiting for the right moment, BE the right moment. You won’t be ready for anything if you aren’t ready to be you. – Kaiden Blake
- If you stay ready, there’s no need to get ready when an opportunity presents itself. – Maxine Phillips
- Get Ready, Get Ready! – Bishop TDJakes
- Open your soul and put it out there and dare the world to read it, ready to have them stomp on you and laugh, but ready to do it again the next day. – Dan Alatorre
- Money is always eager and ready to work for anyone who is ready to employ it. – Idowu Koyenikan
- Danger is hidden everywhere! You can’t always be physically ready for it, but you can always be ready mentally! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- If you are ready to cry..to feel the pain..to take the risk? You are ready for love – Kiran Joshi
- At the last moment she thought, I’m not ready.But she already knew the answer to that.Nobody was ever ready. – LJ Smith
- It’s time to change… it’s time to start working on yourself…. improve yourself…. you don’t have time for excuses. – Deyth Banger
- I know your final destination, I suggest to change it. (Is it Okay??? (FINAL DESTINATION FILM) ) – Deyth Banger
- You can receive $900 or even $1,000 but when you don’t appreaciate this money they don’t have value. – Deyth Banger
- She wanted a ????ing ????… she wanted sex look in her eyes… you see that… look how she looks at you? – Deyth Banger
- Comedy strikes here… just to reduce pressure and depression. – Deyth Banger
- The Trust movie it has shown how one picture could be twisted and even how the cops are dirty! – Deyth Banger
- Affect the main character or characters and you win the game. – Deyth Banger
- The character was created by you, if you kill yourself you kill the character, it happen because you done it… you don’t realise it! – Deyth Banger
- IF I can do it and you can do it, if I have a story and you have story. – Deyth Banger
- Without focus you are nothing and nobody……Everything is up to focusing and DEFINITELY YOU SHOULD BE ????ING CRUCIAL. – Deyth Banger
- Can I say hello?Why?I don’t want you to be alone! – Deyth Banger
- That’s call reverse, craziness and madness (Kill Game 2016). – Deyth Banger