Self-pity never leads to happiness.Remind yourself that the situationmay not be ideal, but it’s rarely theworst that could ever happen.
– Domonique Bertolucci
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- Examine your self-talk.Never speak to yourselfmore harshly than you wouldto a small child. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Worrying doesn’t change anything.Focus your energy on the outcomeyou do want and then do whatyou can to make it happen. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Don’t be afraid to take a chance.The worst that can happen is thatyou don’t succeed -¦ this time. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Don’t be afraid to take a chance.The worst that can happen is thatyou don’t succeed -¦ this time. – Domonique Bertolucci
- If there is one thing worse than self-pity, it was other people’s pity. – CJ Duggan
- It is rarely in the world’s history that its ideal has been one of joy and beauty. The worship of pain has far more often dominated the world. – Oscar Wilde
- Regardless of your upbringing orformative experiences, it is never toolate to start believing in yourself. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Regardless of your upbringing orformative experiences, it is never toolate to start believing in yourself. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Don’t take your happiness forgranted. Be proactive aboutmaintaining and sustaining itin your life. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Although happiness is a stateof being, it usually still requiressome doing if it is to belasting in your life. – Domonique Bertolucci
- So many people sabotagetheir own chances for happiness-”don’t be one of them. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Your life paradigm is the set ofbeliefs or operating system for yourlife. Make sure you choose one thatsupports lifelong happiness. – Domonique Bertolucci
- True happiness is a state of being,not one of doing or having. – Domonique Bertolucci
- True happiness is a state of being,not one of doing or having. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Don’t sabotage yourchance for happiness.Own up to the real choicesyou are making. – Domonique Bertolucci
- No matter how much youcare about someone,you can’t take responsibilityfor their happiness. – Domonique Bertolucci
- When you marry a woman out of pity, then its a pity that you’ll send her away very soon. – Michael Bassey Johnson
- I suppose what one wants really is ideal company and books are ideal company. – Anita Brookner
- If you require force to promote your ideal, there is something wrong with your ideal. – JSB Morse
- I will forever remind you that you are gifted, strong and beautiful, exactly as you are.Will you forever remind yourself, too? – Scott Stabile
- I will forever remind you that you are gifted, strong and beautiful, exactly as you are. Will you forever remind yourself, too? – Scott Stabile
- Change leads to growth. Resistance leads to rigidity. Rigidity leads to … – Gary Rohrmayer
- The most importantcommitment you will ever makeis to being the best you can be. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Sometimes being happy willrequire some difficult conversations.Some of those conversationswill be with yourself. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Be honest with yourself.You can’t be the bestyou can be unless you knowwho you really are. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Give the people you love thebest of yourself, not the worst. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Every time you say -˜but’, you aregiving yourself a get-out clause. – Domonique Bertolucci
- One of the most powerfulquestions you can ask yourself is,-˜How do I hold myself back?’Once you know the answeryou can get out of your way. – Domonique Bertolucci
- If you want to bethe best you can be,don’t judge anyone.Not even yourself. – Domonique Bertolucci
- If you believe in yourself,anything and everything is possible. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Don’t deny your emotions andforce yourself to smile when youfeel like crying. Cry, but learn tosmile through your tears. – Domonique Bertolucci
- Believe in yourself, believe in yourdreams and believe in your rightto achieve your dreams. – Domonique Bertolucci
- We see ourselves as self-sufficient, self-important, and self-sustaining. God sees us as dependent, self-centered, and self-deceived. – Billy Graham
- Be courageous in yourdecision-making.Stand by your choicesand never look back. – Domonique Bertolucci