When the waterholes were dry, people sought to drink at the mirage.
– Evelyn Waugh
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- So through a world of piety I made my way to Sebastian. – Evelyn Waugh
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- We schoolmasters must temper discretion with deceit. – Evelyn Waugh
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- It could be said of him that while others chased the mirage of happiness, he was happy with being content. – Neel Mukherjee
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- Don’t allow your life disappear into an abstract mirage – Sunday Adelaja
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- Love is your only wealth. Everything else is just a mirage. – Debasish Mridha
- I’ll never know the right answer for sex and marriage, sense and mirage. – James Thurber
- She thirsted for love, but found only a mirage. Some hearts are a desert you can die wandering in. – John Mark Green
- True love is a mirage-¦ it does exist. We do get enamored and infatuated by it but we have to keep following it till eternity. – Balroop Singh
- Relinquish your ideology of control, for it is merely a mirage anyway. – Sara Secora
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- The difference being that people fear us. When people fear you, you have power. – Evelyn Smith
- The idea of freedom is a piece of dry bread thrown to people so that they can break their teeth with it. – Marino Baccarini
- Your people eat dry and tasteless flesh but it is off plates as smooth as ivory and as round as the sun. – CS Lewis