A smile is a God given sun that lights up our lives in the midst of darkness
– Evy Michaels
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- In the midst of darkness, he alone sees the dawn; in the midst of the soundless, he alone hears harmony. – Zhuangzi
- A crack on the road does not terminate the journey – Evy Michaels
- You are the greatest treasure if you are your greatest treasure treasure – Evy Michaels
- We were just two broken souls trying to fix one another…Somehow I ended up with a piece of you and you me – Evy Michaels
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- If you judge art by its cover, you efface the very essence of it – Evy Michaels
- If you judge art be its cover, you efface the very essence of it – Evy Michaels
- Sometimes you need to stop fighting to stop drowning – Evy Michaels
- You will not be able to envision your future until you block out the words of those who constantly scorch you with discouraging remarks – Evy Michaels
- Dream itSee itFeel itBe it – Evy Michaels
- Like seeds we start small, grow together and stand tall – Evy Michaels
- The first step to healing is to make peace with your scars – Evy Michaels
- Love is thicker than blood, its blind to color, it is its own culture – Evy Michaels
- Love is thicker than blood, its blind to color, it is its own culture – Evy Michaels
- You know it’s real when reality becomes a dream, the dream becomes real, and real feels unreal – Evy Michaels
- My life has become like a bus, and I’m just watching it pass by – Evy Michaels
- It’s a watch me watch you watching me kind of love – Evy Michaels
- The eyes speak that which cannot be voiced – Evy Michaels
- To smile is to turn the lights on, the lights of existence within you! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- As the sun lives on when it sets in the warmth it has given to others, you too will live on in the hearts of those whose lives you have touched. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- To meditate, only you must smile. Smile with face, smile with mind, and good energy will come and clean away dirty energy. Even smile in your liver. – Elizabeth Gilbert
- smile..smile..and smile. i mean- just smile, and everything else will follow. – Anne Jane Gone Lopez
- Several people toss and turn in their sleep, startled by the lines of the newspapers in their dreams, knives out, lights out, lights out, knives out! – HC Artmann
- She carried a thousand lights inside her heart, and a thousand lights carried her. – Vatsal Surti
- Some people call street lights ‘Crime Lights’, as they are associated with an increased level of criminal activity. – Steven Magee
- Any given moment-”no matter how casual, how ordinary-”is poised, full of gaping life. – Anne Michaels
- While she was light and sunshine, he was nothing but clouds and darkness. – Victoria Michaels
- In the morning, smile like the morning sun and give the best gift of a smile filled with the warmth of love. – Debasish Mridha
- In darkness, remember that the sun never forgets to rise with her morning smile. – Debasish Mridha
- Even in the midst of the storm the sun is still shining. – Dayna Lovely
- In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity – Sun Tzu
- And like anyone who is in valiant pursuit of dreams, the ups and downs come and go, but the dream lives in the heart forever. – Chris Michaels
- And like anyone who is in valiant pursuit of a dream, the ups and downs come and go, but the dream lives in the heart forever. – Chris Michaels
- Gratefulness is feeling the Love of God in everything He has given us – God has given us everything. Each breath ever drawn was a gift of His Love. – Raymond D Longoria Jr
- If you do not achieve your God-given goals, it does not mean God has not given the power. It rather means you have taken His power for granted! – Israelmore Ayivor
- Forgiveness is given to us from God not because we deserve it. Forgiveness is given to us by the grace of God.(Paraphrased message from the Bible.) – Dortha Jackson
- Smile and laugh… Laugh and smile… Laugh and smile every day – Heather Wolf