Dream itSee itFeel itBe it
– Evy Michaels
Related Quotes:
- You know it’s real when reality becomes a dream, the dream becomes real, and real feels unreal – Evy Michaels
- A crack on the road does not terminate the journey – Evy Michaels
- You are the greatest treasure if you are your greatest treasure treasure – Evy Michaels
- We were just two broken souls trying to fix one another…Somehow I ended up with a piece of you and you me – Evy Michaels
- In search of that beat that my heart skipped when I first saw your beautiful soul… – Evy Michaels
- Listen to me, there is freedom in love. Every day should feel like independence day – Evy Michaels
- If you judge art by its cover, you efface the very essence of it – Evy Michaels
- If you judge art be its cover, you efface the very essence of it – Evy Michaels
- Sometimes you need to stop fighting to stop drowning – Evy Michaels
- You will not be able to envision your future until you block out the words of those who constantly scorch you with discouraging remarks – Evy Michaels
- A smile is a God given sun that lights up our lives in the midst of darkness – Evy Michaels
- Like seeds we start small, grow together and stand tall – Evy Michaels
- The first step to healing is to make peace with your scars – Evy Michaels
- Love is thicker than blood, its blind to color, it is its own culture – Evy Michaels
- Love is thicker than blood, its blind to color, it is its own culture – Evy Michaels
- My life has become like a bus, and I’m just watching it pass by – Evy Michaels
- It’s a watch me watch you watching me kind of love – Evy Michaels
- The eyes speak that which cannot be voiced – Evy Michaels
- And like anyone who is in valiant pursuit of a dream, the ups and downs come and go, but the dream lives in the heart forever. – Chris Michaels
- When the Dream Giver asked me to give my Dream to him, I didn’t think I could. But I wanted the Dream Giver more than my Dream, so I did. – Bruce Wilkinson
- And like anyone who is in valiant pursuit of dreams, the ups and downs come and go, but the dream lives in the heart forever. – Chris Michaels
- Wonderful things are possible when you dream big and use your imagination. – Cat Michaels
- My dream, is to dream, a dream. – Santosh Kalwar
- Whether you dream big or dream small, chances are your dream will come true if you believe in it and really work on it. – Nabil N Jamal
- A dream you once were,A dream of all my realities,A dream I can no long strive forIn the wake of my manly betayals – C Elizabeth
- When question arise Dream or not to dream Always dream. – Debasish Mridha
- If I dream by myself, it’s merely a dream. But if we all dream together, that’s the start of a new future. – Lee Soo Man
- Whether you dream big or dream small, chances are your dream will come true if you believe in it and really work hard on it. – Nabil N Jamal
- When the dream that was no longer can be, you have to dream a different dream. – Christina Rasmussen
- You don’t pay a cent to dream so why dream of becoming king’s guard when you can dream of being a King – Kenneth Mahuka
- The opportunity cost of an unlived dream is not only that dream, but also the dreams the dream was meant to inspire. – Ryan Lilly
- I dared to dream…….I dared to believe the dream…..I dared to live the dream. I am glad it became real. – Bayode Ojo
- You only get one life so dream big. Dream bold. Dream in color – Claire Cross
- Hold a book in your hand and you’re a pilgrim at the gates of a new city. – Anne Michaels
- He was changed, burned, branded, destroyed and rebuilt. And he loved it. – Jess Michaels
- You curse a lot.”???? you – I hardly curse at all. – Tere Michaels
- Bad manners does not mean they make bad company. – Kelly R Michaels
- Any given moment-”no matter how casual, how ordinary-”is poised, full of gaping life. – Anne Michaels
- All grief, anyone’s grief…is the weight of a sleeping child. – Anne Michaels
- It’s not a person’s depth you must discover, but their ascent. Find their path from depth to ascent. – Anne Michaels