Were I but perfectly normal, I would just not be.
– Fakeer Ishavardas
Related Quotes:
- There is no standard normal. Normal is subjective. There are seven billion versions of normal on this planet. – Matt Haig
- This isn’t normal. This isn’t how normal people think. ???? off, world- what the hell is normal anyway? – Elizabeth Haynes
- A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject of all, subject to all. – Martin Luther
- To make things ‘perfectly clear’ is reactionary and stupefying. The real is not perfectly clear. – Avital Ronell
- Somehow I get the idea that being whole is about being perfectly consistent. I’d rather we be perfectly honest. – Danielle LaPorte
- I’m perfectly willing to be perfectly human. – Donald Miller
- A perfectly normal person is rare in our civilization. – Karen Horney
- I do not use psychiatric terms in my writing because the entrenched and developing behaviours were perfectly normal reactions to abnormal situations. – Jane Hersey
- Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. – JK Rowling
- I got my heart checked, report says it’s perfectly normal, there is no trace of love in it – Rushabh Patel
- It is no use dying, before one does. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Be the person you would want to be friends with. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Humour sustains us during failure; more so after success, when we’re prone to fail that much more, daring abyss, pumped up with success. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Take heart. You’re not alone. Every broken heart breathes again. That’s life. It goes on. In loss, and in gain. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- The inability to rise above one’s inherited ism and ideology makes one live and die a fool, just a folly. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- To live unhappily, is failing life. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Death is easy, living difficult. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Even if things do not work out as you thought they should for you, they do – in their own way, as they were meant to. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Respect all people as you do your people, and you would be a fine people. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Your destiny – by hook or crook, by this way or that, at some corner or nook – will catch up with you. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Be kind, for the other is not another, but your mirrored kine. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- We’re shadows! of naught;living, dying! for what’s not. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- A questioning man is already half wise. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- If you’re still living, you are yet! winning. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Pray within. Stay within. Seek, find the Within. For, there’s no heaven or hell or god anywhere but herein. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- If a religious book makes you harbor ill thoughts about those with differing faith, then, you’re reading the wrong crap of late. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- First rule of spirituality – thou shall not believe in your own bullshit. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- How did I get ‘IT’? – By crying, begging, yelping! – Any of this helping? – Fakeer Ishavardas
- I plan to live my own way. Hopefully, it is as per God’s Way. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- I love you silly ‘holy’ book. Here’s hoping everybody un-reads it. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Living well is dying well. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Truth respects no ism. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Humans as a whole are but an unwholesome hole with a sorry ass. In short, a**holes. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- For the being, maybe. But for the spirit, there are no quick sands. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Believe you me, I am all for you; and wish you well – for you to go to hell. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- If you can cull an animal, or kill a human , and sleep well, does not mean you are any more well than a sick animal. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- If your religion requires, as an article of faith, to hate people of other religions and faiths, you and your ism are screwed up, mate. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Today religious nuts outnumber monkey nuts in the world. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- I swear I’ve good morals. It’s just that bad ones befriend me. I’m a friendly person, you know. But I will talk to them. Believe you me. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- I have great respect for you – once you are dead, and gone – Fakeer Ishavardas