The thing that matters most is what matters to you, not anybody else.
– Fennel Hudson
Related Quotes:
- Intent matters. Integrity matters. Courage matters. If you have the three, nothing else matters – Sharad Vivek Sagar
- Where the writing takes place doesn’t matter to a publisher, but it matters a great deal to the author. – Fennel Hudson
- You’re in the democratic West now, lady. Anybody’s as good as anybody else as long as he’s got the dough to prove it. – Leslie Ford
- It’s better to be individual than a clone of someone else. – Fennel Hudson
- Never interrupt an author when he or she is -˜in the zone’, else you’ll understand the real meaning of -˜writer’s nib’. – Fennel Hudson
- Take a step back and view the world through your eyes, not someone else’s. Listen to your heart and decide what you really want. – Fennel Hudson
- I don’t trust anybody. Not anybody. And the more that I care about someone, the more sure I am they’re going to get tired of me and take off. – Rainbow Rowell
- Fennel, which is the spice for Wednesdays, the day of averages, of middle-aged people. . . . Fennel . . . smelling of changes to come. – Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
- Life is a wonderfully fine thing. Go live it. – Fennel Hudson
- Nurture a desire to be free from the clock. – Fennel Hudson
- Character and purpose are directly linked to confidence and conviction. What links them? Courage -“ to be oneself, no matter what others might say. – Fennel Hudson
- Friends can create our most cherished memories. – Fennel Hudson
- We have the freedom of choice, to choose what’s right. – Fennel Hudson
- Enjoy the contented silence. – Fennel Hudson
- You need to be outdoors. Away from here. You need a holiday. – Fennel Hudson
- In with the new, out with the old.’ That’s what we’re told. We have to change, adapt, compromise. – Fennel Hudson
- There’s merit in being different, inspiration in being individual, courage in being unique, and freedom in being yourself. – Fennel Hudson
- Reality is just a matter of perception. – Fennel Hudson
- There’s no such thing as writer’s block, so long as you’ve had plenty of time to think about what you want to write. – Fennel Hudson
- Individuality and creativity are slowly dampened by a normal job with normal people. – Fennel Hudson
- The process of creation begins way before one starts writing. – Fennel Hudson
- There’s no point pretending to be someone or something we’re not. – Fennel Hudson
- We should be authentic: the -˜real deal’. Neither a clone nor mimic be. – Fennel Hudson
- The past informs the present. – Fennel Hudson
- Preserve the spirit of a -˜lost’ age, when time moved slower. – Fennel Hudson
- You can escape completely, seeking an alternative life, or you can play the game and go absent without leave. How you do it is up to you. – Fennel Hudson
- There is a difference between -˜off-limits’ and those places you can visit without getting caught. – Fennel Hudson
- To see more than a reflection requires us to filter what we see, to view the world with honest eyes. – Fennel Hudson
- Don’t lose yourself in the fog of normality. – Fennel Hudson
- The pen that was once a gift has come to represent all that I hope to achieve. – Fennel Hudson
- Writers who copy or plagiarise others are dreaming in another man’s sleep. – Fennel Hudson
- I’m pretty sure I’m the only author who intends to take the longest possible route to a destination that will always be over the next hill. – Fennel Hudson
- Be patient, persistent and above all, believe. – Fennel Hudson
- The greatest gifts are those that say, -œI know you-. – Fennel Hudson
- Angling is a sport, so sporting ethics should apply. – Fennel Hudson
- I wasn’t born to fetch, or sit, or accept a beating. I’m here to be me, to write, and know my purpose. – Fennel Hudson
- It’s ironic that those who lack self-confidence are often the ones who find it hardest to say no. – Fennel Hudson
- Why should we change that which makes us unique? – Fennel Hudson
- Proudly buck the trend. Dare to be different. – Fennel Hudson
- Be batty, be traditional, and be proud. – Fennel Hudson