Just because history says it isn’t possible doesn’t mean that there aren’t exceptions.
– Gail Carriger
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- I think we seldom regret the risks we take as much as the times we did not try at all. – Gail Carriger
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- But I don’t want to be a vampire drone.’ Sophronia winced. ‘They’ll suck my blood and make me wear only the very latest fashions. – Gail Carriger
- He has been mad for you these many months, ever since you prodded him in the nether regions with a hedgehog. – Gail Carriger
- Great, Alexia thought, I have gone from soul sucker to electrical ground. The epithets just get sweeter and sweeter. – Gail Carriger
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- We’re a team like tea and milk, or cake and custard, or pork and apple. – Gail Carriger
- Having delivered the expected daily miracle, Floote stood in his usual stance and warily watched the Templars work. – Gail Carriger
- And vampires were perverted. Or so she hoped – Gail Carriger
- [She] lost her patience, a thing she was all too prone to misplacing. – Gail Carriger
- It is a valuable thing for an intelligencer to be forgotten. – Gail Carriger
- It didn’t feel sporting to shoot at a crazy person, even if that person was a vampire who’d agreed to the job. – Gail Carriger
- Lyall’s face went deadpan as he relayed the details, as those who are tortured or raped will become when they retell the pattern of abuse – Gail Carriger
- Here, I stole it for you. Why don’t you tell me what it’s for.--œAw, Sophronia, how thoughtful. You brought me a present! – Gail Carriger
- His eyes are peculiar. There is nothing in them, like an eclair without the cream filling. It’s wrong, lack of cream. – Gail Carriger
- After every unladylike action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. Consider the necessary, analyze the consequences, clean up the mess. – Gail Carriger
- Tonight I crash an airship. On purpose. – Gail Carriger
- A pessimist says the glass is half empty, an optimist says the glass is half full, and an engineer says the glass is too big. – Scott Edward Shjefte
- What’s true about you is what God says about you. Not what your mirror says. Not what your past says. – Mark Hall
- One tells as few lies as possible only by telling as few lies as possible and not by having the least possible opportunity to do so. – Franz Kafka
- We never choose which words to use, for as long as they mean what they mean to mean, we don’t care if they make sense or nonsense. – Norton Juster
- Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and all things have been put under his feet. There are no exceptions. (p. 70) – PG Mathew
- If an act is not one of work or courage, then it is not an act of love. There are no exceptions. – M Scott Peck
- Nature provides exceptions to every rule. – Margaret Fuller
- The true meaning of Christ’s teaching consists in the recognition of love as the supreme law of life, and therefore not admitting any exceptions. – Leo Tolstoy
- A writer writes. There are no exceptions to this reality. No excuses. Stop wasting time talking about your stories and get them on paper. – Christy Hall
- Libertarians make no exceptions to the golden rule and provide no moral loophole, no double standard, for government. – Murray N Rothbard
- By the deficits we may know the talents, by the exceptions we may know the rules, by studying patholgoy we may construct a model of health. – Laurence Miller
- Natural laws admit of no exceptions. – Herbert M Shelton
- All great stories began as shitty first drafts.There are no exceptions to this. – M Kirin
- …I can’t make exceptions for myself. If I can run, I will run. I don’t have to feel good to do it. – Patricia Hamill