We are perishing for lack of wonder, not for lack of wonders.
– GK Chesterton
Related Quotes:
- Walking the Camino de Santiago taught me the wonders of physical challenge, the wonders of spiritual freedom, and the wonders of baby powder. – Christy Hall
- Indeed, the only cause of their [Rome] perishing was that they chose for their protectors gods condemned to perish. – Augustine of Hippo
- . . . things whose perishing had been arrested by their power to make her love them. – Denis Johnson
- Nature has created countless number of wonders, we got a long way to go as man have created only seven wonders. – Amit Kalantri
- Somewhere Chesterton writes–I think it is Chesterton–that you cannot reason a man from a position that reason didn’t deliver him to. – Alec Wilkinson
- Of all the Wonders in the World, the greatest wonder of all, was sharing it with you. – Lisa Anderson
- In material things, there are seven wonders; in human beings there is only one wonder – and that’s you. – Amit Kalantri
- Just at present you only see the tree by the light of the lamp. I wonder when you would ever see the lamp by the light of the tree. – GK Chesterton
- Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment. – Vince Lombardi Jr
- The country is dying cause of an lack of men, not a lack of programms. – Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
- The problem is not lack of leadership, the problem is lack of good leadership – Lazarus Takawira
- It is not the lack of commitment that destroys marriages, it is the lack of purpose. – Debasish Mridha
- People who lack confidence in their judgement lack confidence in themselves – Marie Kond
- We have a retirement crisis in America today nor from a lack of money, but from a lack of vision – Dave Ramsey
- An uninspired mind creates a lack of energy for the body, resulting in a lack of performance filled with excuses. – Farshad Asl
- Children lack morality, but they also lack fake morality. – Mignon McLaughlin
- This is a hard truth for some to accept: that a lack of resources may not be their true constraint, just a lack of resourcefulness. – David Burkus
- Boredom is a lack of crazy. Its a lack of creativity. Invention. Innovation. If you’re bored, blame yourself. – Katelyn S Bolds
- Loneliness is not lack of company. Loneliness is lack of purpose. – Guillermo Maldonado
- Loneliness isn’t a lack of people. It is a lack of understanding and acceptance. – Bronnie Ware
- The lack of understanding does not hurt, as much as the lack of effort to understand does ! – Wordions
- When lust combines with love, feelings like dissatisfaction,lack of trust,lack of understanding,jealousy and possessiveness are produced – Nirja
- We seem to take notice of our body only when health is lacking. With that lack of recognition comes a lack of motivation and incentive to stretch. – Rand Olson
- Malnutrition can be as common in poverty as in wealth, one for the lack of food, the other for the lack of knowledge of food. – TK Naliaka
- When we lack faith, God is not surprised by it. When we lack faith, God can supply it. When we receive the faith He gives us, God is honored by it. – Jennifer L Lane
- It was not lack of ability that limited my people, but lack of opportunity. – Nelson Mandela
- Loneliness is not a feeling caused by the lack of people around-”it is a feeling caused by the lack of one person. – Low Kay Hwa
- The problem is not a lack of churches, but a lack of true ministers, and believers that really are followers of Christ. – Evangelist Jordan Wells
- Few lack talent, but most people lack the vision & perseverance to develop their talents. – Orrin Woodward
- The real problem of life is never a lack of time. The real problem of life – in my life – is lack of thanksgiving. – Ann Voskamp
- the progress of real purpose is crippled where lack of money is equated to lack of zeal – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- To practice with an end in view is to have one eye on the practice and the other on the end, which is lack of concentration, lack of sincerity. – Alan W Watts
- It’s absurd to be upset by a lack of results when the cause is a lack of activity. – Orrin Woodward
- Wonder at everything and ask, why?Love everything and wonder, why? – Debasish Mridha
- if you cannot ponder to wonder, you will always wonder to ponder – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- I wonder, said the Lord I wonder if I know the answer any more. – Norman Mailer
- …it’s not the medium that’s the message – it’s consciousness – the wonder of being able to wonder … – John Geddes
- I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed. – Jonathan Swift
- I shouldn’t wonder if you didn’t wonder much too much! – PL Travers
- I never wake up in the morning and wonder why I am here. I wake up and wonder why I am not making here better. – Jeffrey Fry