Life is a tightrope walk. One has to balance the do’s and don’ts.
– Haresh Sippy
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- It’s easier to face the camera than life. As in the former the script is known. – Haresh Sippy
- You gain much more from your enemies than friends. – Haresh Sippy
- There is nothing else to be worried about, But TIME. – Haresh Sippy
- You are born to be wild but end up being named, tamed and chained. – Haresh Sippy
- Better an unsung HERO than the source of envy. – Haresh Sippy
- Every change is a win-win situation if you allow it to take its natural course. – Haresh Sippy
- Times, they are a-changing. Change accordingly, the sooner the better. – Haresh Sippy
- Better be a chameleon to face this ever changing world. – Haresh Sippy
- CHANGE WITH THE TIMES…The early bird will benefit the most,the ones who don’t will be left out. – Haresh Sippy
- Like a battery, the human mind and body must be fully discharged to stretch their capacity. – Haresh Sippy
- An empty mind can become an angel’s paradise! Only if you block negativity. – Haresh Sippy
- You must build castles in the air, how else will you learn to build? – Haresh Sippy
- Business does not need planning anymore. It demands out-of-the-box thinking. – Haresh Sippy
- The lows may be the highs in disguise. – Haresh Sippy
- The best way for you to grow is to sack yourself. – Haresh Sippy
- It’s all in the mind, conquer it! – Haresh Sippy
- A master is one who can effortlessly alternate between a free mind and a controlled mind. – Haresh Sippy
- Being healthy is sufficient proof of one having a strong character. The rest is subjective. – Haresh Sippy
- Being healthy is sufficient proof of one having a strong character. The rest is subjective. – Haresh Sippy
- Impatience may be a virtue if you have to write for today’s generation. – Haresh Sippy
- A true innovator does best, what he doesn’t know best. – Haresh Sippy
- Why judge when it’s only a matter of perception. – Haresh Sippy
- The need for security often kills the quest for innovation. – Haresh Sippy
- An innovative mind is never once bitten, twice shy. – Haresh Sippy
- Both precious and absurd, this tightrope of existence we walk in both directions; strung only on a rhythm of heartbeats across a void – Dean Cavanagh
- Maintain balance in life; not unlike a tire, a life out of balance results in a rough ride and needless wear and tear. – Glenn A Maltais
- Balance both sides of the equation to attain equilateral-balance your life – Ikechukwu Joseph
- Balance only happens in dynamic tension. Balance is giving not equal but appropriate attention to each of the various categories of your life. – Michael Hyatt
- Striking a balance in life is tough, but trying to strike balance and remain fair in the face of imbalance and oppression is even tougher. – Aisha Mirza
- Just reviewing this list, these to-dos and dones, her pace quickens; she feels lighter, she feels smarter, she feels in control, she feels alive. – Rumaan Alam
- Men are under as strong a compulsion to invent an ethical setting for their behavior as spiders are to weave themselves webs. – John dos Passos
- Does he know I can never feel anything for anyone ever again? – Steven dos Santos
- We were walking that tightrope between friends and something more… – Melissa Aragon
- The world to have a balance first it needs one liar and one guy who can discover who is lieing. That’s called balance! – Deyth Banger
- The world should have balance between evil and good, positive and negative. If one is missed there isn’t balance. – Deyth Banger
- As we come into balance within ourselves and the all that is, we balance the past, future and our Earth. – Jan Porter
- Don’t get hooked on taking identity in illness and diagnosis, there is only a body in balance or a body out of balance. Get your body balanced. – Nina Leavins
- Ask yourself…If I walk a tight rope,will I fall ,If I shake my balance of thought will it deter me and if I stay focused will I succeed?.~bns – Bluenscottish
- The purpose of life is to live. The meaning of life is whatever you choose. The secret to life is balance in all things-¦ – James A Murphy
- There is always a way. – Haresh Vansh