You can read merely to pass the time, or you can read with an overt urgency, but eventually you will read against the clock.
– Harold Bloom
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- Learn to let urgency go. Nothing is urgent. Stress is the product of uncertainty and urgency of life. – Debasish Mridha
- The passive and overt violence waged against the women and children of the world must end. – Bryant McGill
- Days may pass into months, months may pass into years, and years may pass into decades, but I will always keep waiting for you. – Avijeet Das
- Read. Read. Read. Just don’t read one type of book. Read different books by various authors so that you develop different style. – RL Stine
- We read frequently if unknowingly, in quest of a mind more original than our own. – Harold Bloom
- Read. Read until your eyes are sore. Then read some more. – Lisa Bloom
- No life goes past so swiftly as an eventless one, no clock spins like a clock whose days are all alike. – Wallace Stegner
- The clock in the church tower said 4.32, as it had done for three hundred years. It was right once a day and that was better than no clock at all. – Spike Milligan
- hndoera kindyour life is a ticking of a clock when that clock stops ur life stops – Abeer rehan
- Writing Cave means it’s Coffee O’Clock…Who am I kidding? It’s always Coffee O’Clock! – TammyLouise Wilkins
- What’s wrong with turning back the clock if the clock is wrong? We need not be slaves to our technologies – Neil Postman
- We are not interested in those stupid crimes you have committed. The Party is not interested in the overt act: the thought is all we care about. – George Orwell
- When we fight upstream against a rocky undercurrent, every foothold takes on a kind of urgency. – Arthur Golden
- Physical pain was easy. It would always pass in the end. All it needed was time – a ticking clock. – Sidney Knight
- And read-¦ read all the time-¦ read as a matter of principle, as a matter of self-respect. Read as a nourishing staple of life. – David McCullough Jr
- Reading well is one of the great pleasures that solitude can afford you. – Harold Bloom
- The aesthetic and the agonistic are one, according to the ancient Greeks. – Harold Bloom
- Emily ????inson sublimely unnames even the blanks. – Harold Bloom
- The inventor knows HOW to borrow. – Harold Bloom
- Persuasion is a strong but subdued outrider. – Harold Bloom
- King die hard, in Shakespeare and in life. – Harold Bloom
- Shakespeare’s exquisite imagining belies our total inability to live in the present moment. – Harold Bloom
- Reviewing bad books is bad for the character -“ WH Auden – Harold Bloom
- Great writing is always rewriting or revisionism, and is founded on a reading that clears space for the self. – Harold Bloom
- All writers are to some extent inventors, describing people as they would like to see them in life. – Harold Bloom
- Shakespeare and his few peers invented all of us. – Harold Bloom
- There is no God but God, and his name is William Shakespeare. – Harold Bloom
- Characters carrying the playwright’s disapproval is a un-Shakespearian burden. – Harold Bloom
- Dante subsumed everything, and so, in a sense, secularized nothing. – Harold Bloom
- Reading well is one of the great pleasuresthat solitude can afford you, because it isat least in my experience, the most healing of pleasures. – Harold Bloom
- Memory is always in art, even when it works involuntarily. – Harold Bloom
- A poem, novel, or play acquires all of humanity’s disorders, including the fear of mortality – Harold Bloom
- Vision is defined as a program for restoring the human. – Harold Bloom
- It has always been dangerous to institutionalize hope, and we no longer live in a society in which we will be allowed to institutionalize memory. – Harold Bloom
- Romance depends upon imperfect knowledge. – Harold Bloom
- What Emily ????inson does not rename or redefine, she revises beyond easy recognition. – Harold Bloom
- Almost anything at all can be transmuted into a labyrinth. – Harold Bloom
- Capital is necessary to the cultivation of esthetic value. – Harold Bloom
- Canonical writing is born of an originality fused with tradition. -“ From the book jacket – Harold Bloom
- At our present bad moment, we need above all to recover our sense of literary individuality and of poetic autonomy. – Harold Bloom