Sheep hurt my father, and through my father, sheep have also hurt me.
– Haruki Murakami
Related Quotes:
- If I choose to write about sheep, it’s just because I happened to write about sheep. There is no deep significance. – Haruki Murakami
- Sheep sheep are adorable.Human sheep, not so much.Think for yourself, for flock’s sake. – Scott Stabile
- You wanted to kill your father in order to be your father yourself. Now you are your father, but a dead father. – Sigmund Freud
- A father hurt by his son realizes how much he hurt his father! – I are
- My father always told me: ‘Give somebody a hand and he’ll take an arm. – Haruki Murakami
- Oppressors specialise in rasing wolves from amonst the sheep then together with the wolves devour the sheep – rassool jibraeel snyman
- I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an army of 100 lions led by a sheep – Charles Maurice de TalleyrandPrigord
- Sheep don’t need the shepherd to be what they are. The shepherd needs sheep to be what he is. – Ljupka Cvetanova
- Look Fabian, the world is full of sheep, don’t settle for being a sheep, even if you do reside over those creatures, act more like a Ram. – TA Uner
- Most people are sheep and sheep don’t eat meat – Stephen King
- Maple thought optimistically that human beings, on their good days, weren’t much dimmer than sheep. Or at least, not much dimmer than dim sheep. – Leonie Swann
- Behind every wolf in sheep’s clothing is a trail of dead sheep – rjs – rassool jibraeel snyman
- He was her father after all. True, a father whose funeral rite she planned to dance at and toast with ale, but her father just the same. – GA Aiken
- Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting. – Haruki Murakami
- a question is embarrassing for a moment, but not asking is embarrassing for a lifetime – Haruki Murakami
- With jealousy, a parasite takes root in your heart. It becomes a cancer that eats away at your soul. – Haruki Murakami
- Let your body work until it is spent, but keep your mind to yourself. – Haruki Murakami
- Not just beautiful, though–the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me. – Haruki Murakami
- A rubber plant is just about the ideal family. – Haruki Murakami
- The mind is strong. It survives, even without thought. Even with everything taken away, it holds a seed-”your self. – Haruki Murakami
- The real world-”where I probably could never be happy, and never get anywhere. – Haruki Murakami
- When you prick a person with a needle, red blood comes out- that’s the real world. – Haruki Murakami
- Many are the women who can take their clothes off seductively, but women who can charm as they dress? – Haruki Murakami
- It was a strange feeling, like touching a void. – Haruki Murakami
- Living like an empty shell is not really living, no matter how many years it might go on – Haruki Murakami
- Something will work out tomorrow, I thought. And if not, then tomorrow I’ll do some thinking. Ob-”la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on. – Haruki Murakami
- She and I were bound together at the border between life and death. It was like that for us from the start – Haruki Murakami
- Then, all but instinctively, I took her in my arms. Pressed against me, her whole body trembling, she continued to cry without a sound. – Haruki Murakami
- No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself. It’s like your shadow. It follows you everywhere. -Komura – Haruki Murakami
- I was the chain that bit into my ankle, and I was the ruthless guard that never slept. – Haruki Murakami
- You can hide memories, suppress them, but you can’t erase the history that produced them – Haruki Murakami
- If you can’t understand it without an explanation, you can’t understand it with an explanation. – Haruki Murakami
- All the same, writing honestly is very difficult. The more I try to be honest, the farther my words sink into darkness. – Haruki Murakami
- She was seriously in love, but she never made demands. – Haruki Murakami
- If you have to choose between something that has form and something that doesn’t, go for the one without form. That’s my rule. – Haruki Murakami
- Like boarding a train running parallel. That’s what disappearing is. – Haruki Murakami
- Like someone excitedly relating a story, only to find the words petering out, the path gets narrower the further I go, the undergrowth taking over. – Haruki Murakami
- The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night. – Haruki Murakami
- Not being able to find the right words at crucial times is one of my many problems. – Haruki Murakami
- Fate seems to be taking me in some even stranger directions. – Haruki Murakami