He wanted a father, and for the same reason, he wanted to be a father.
– Ian McEwan
Related Quotes:
- You wanted to kill your father in order to be your father yourself. Now you are your father, but a dead father. – Sigmund Freud
- He came to find her, wanting what everyone wanted, and what only free-thinking people, not the supernatural, could give. Meaning. – Ian McEwan
- Waiting. Simply one person doing nothing, over time, while another approached. – Ian McEwan
- The luxury of being half-asleep, exploring the fringes of psychosis in safety. – Ian McEwan
- Either I’ve always spoken to her from the heart in times like this, or I never have and I don’t know what it means. – Ian McEwan
- Sex is a different medium, refracting time and sense, a biological hyperspace as remote from conscious existence as dreams, or as water is from air – Ian McEwan
- Her purity of spirit would never be in doubt, though she moved through a blemished world. – Ian McEwan
- …children are at heart selfish, and reasonably so, for they are programmed for survival. – Ian McEwan
- I’ve never outgrown that feeling of mild pride, of acceptance, when children take your hand. – Ian McEwan
- I’m sorry to disappoint you, but my experience belongs to me, not the collective bloody unconscious. – Ian McEwan
- I was irritated by the way he conflated his own shifting needs with an impersonal destiny. I want it, therefore…it’s in the stars! – Ian McEwan
- You can tell a lot from a person’s nails. When a life starts to unravel, they’re among the first to go. – Ian McEwan
- Memory’s got nothing to do with years. You remember what you remember. – Ian McEwan
- I felt stifled. Everything I looked at reminded me of myself. – Ian McEwan
- Writers owed their readers a duty of care, of mercy. – Ian McEwan
- So here I am, upside down in a woman. – Ian McEwan
- The constrained lives of his characters made me wonder how my own existence might appear in his hands. – Ian McEwan
- All day we’ve witnessed each other’s crimes. You killed no one today? But how many did you leave to die? – Ian McEwan
- Jokes against the legal profession were what the legal profession loved most. – Ian McEwan
- In some respect Journalism is like science, the best ideas were one that survived and strengthened by opposition. – Ian McEwan
- But this inglorious revolution wasn’t for me. I didn’t want a sex shop in every town. – Ian McEwan
- It can happen sometimes, with those who brood on an injustice, that a taste for revenge can usefully combine with a sense of obligation. – Ian McEwan
- Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves, Confucius said. Revenge unstitches civilisation. – Ian McEwan
- Or he was simply pretending-”like many drinkers, he liked to think each new day drew a line under the day before. – Ian McEwan
- I wanted stories, and I wanted them always, and I wanted the experience that only fiction could give me: I wanted to be inside them. – Neil Gaiman
- I saw you, and I wanted to be close to you. I wanted you to let me in. I wanted to know you in a way no one else did. I wanted you, all of you. – Becca Fitzpatrick
- He was her father after all. True, a father whose funeral rite she planned to dance at and toast with ale, but her father just the same. – GA Aiken
- I’m sorry, I say. I didn’t give you everything you wanted. I wasn’t everything you wanted. You were everything I wanted. – Kaui Hart Hemmings
- A boy, Ranga, is the light in his father’s eye and the love in his mother’s heart. – Ian BG Burns
- I had every reason to quit, but you were the reason I wanted it all again. – Karen A Baquiran
- if you give people the reasons to reason and you don’t reason, reason! – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- There is no position outside of reason where you can stand and lecture about reason and pass judgment on reason. – JM Coetzee
- At the back of my mind I wanted to be a journalist when I grew up since I didn’t seem to be getting any better at goalkeeping. – Ian Colquhoun
- Father Roger Boscovich is often credited as the father of modern atomic theory. – Thomas E Woods Jr
- Err, sorry Father Abbot. I tripped y’see. Trod on my Abbot, Father Habit. Oh dear, I mean…. – Brian Jacques
- Do not try to be your father boy, it is a hopeless pursuit, particularly when you, like I, have a father of such colossal proportions. – AH Septimius
- You are nothing like my father. And like my father you are nothing. – Eduardo C Corral
- Never go on a date unarmed.- Words of wisdom from my father. Well, my foster father. I was an orphan, of course. The best kings always are. – Brandon Sanderson
- But he didn’t have to listen to his father. Taking after your father was optional, wasn’t it? – Howard Jacobson
- Father is Everyone’s First Preceptor.Happy Father’s Day! – Mohith Agadi