When you remove the concept of reward and punishment on merit, the result is the utter destruction of social fabric.
– Imran Khan
Related Quotes:
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- Remove God from the world of ideas. Remove government, politics from society. Keep sex, humor, utilities. Let private property go. – John Cage
- To weaken the body, remove blood. To weaken the character, remove struggle. – Lance Conrad
- Remove the comma, replace the comma, remove the comma, replace the comma… – RD Ronald
- Eating crappy food isn’t a reward — it’s a punishment. – Drew Carey
- I watch him go, and wonder if being good isn’t its own punishment as much as it’s supposed to be its own reward. – Seanan McGuire
- I watch him go, and wonder if being good isn’t its own punishment as much as it’s supposed to be its own reward. – Seanan McGuire
- A good deed that follows upon another is the reward for the first one, and an evil deed that follows upon another is a punishment for the first one. – Junayd
- Enlightenment is its own reward, its own punishment. You begin to see so much more. And so much more sees you. – Laird Barron
- We must be undone in order to do ourselves: we must be part of a larger social fabric of existence in order to create who we are. – Judith Butler
- I think that stupidity is like a wild fire burning through the social fabric of an intrinsically reasonable existence. – Travis Culliton
- Patience Always Gives You The Best Reward When The Time Is Right…. – Muhammad Imran Hasan
- Destruction is a man’s will,Nevertheless Prevention is also a man’s will,Its a man’s choice to choose between Destruction and Prevention. 🙂 – Babu Rajan
- Creatives Creed: Destruction is creation. Creation is destruction. – Richie Norton
- Many call this process ‘the destruction of nature.’ But it’s not really destruction, it’s change. Nature cannot be destroyed. – Yuval Noah Harari
- If crimes are committed they must be seen as a disease, and punishment as treatment rather than as social vengeance. – Daniel Gurin
- The proper task of social reform is to remove poverty from society and to ensure that people do not sell their conscience to make a living. – Periyar EV Ramasamy
- Once you understand love, you don’t need a reward your kindness or compassion just like you don’t need a reward for breathing. – Vironika Tugaleva
- So, was the crime lab a reward for almost being killed?”No, it was a reward for not being Bryce, – Beverly Connor
- There is no reward beyond the moment. Each moment contains life’s reward. – Bryant McGill
- This winter, there will be no voices, no glimpses, no arms.only the fabric of poetry, to keep me warm. – Sanober Khan
- There are greater goals in life than material and sensual pleasures – Imran Khan
- Good deeds must be rewarded by the system and crimes be punished – this is the essence of meritocracy. – Imran Khan
- Allah exalts whom he wills! – Imran Khan
- There is so much debate about moderate and radical Islam but there is only one Islam. – Imran Khan
- Holy Prophet PBUH promulgated a justice system regardless of status of people, yet in Pak the powerful easily escapes. – Imran Khan
- I want you all to stand like the Muslims who stood with La ilaaha ilalla for Truth and Right – Imran Khan
- Crime should not pay, it must be punished. Unfortunately, in Pakistan big crimes do get rewarded. – Imran Khan
- Bravery is standing with the truth and right – Imran Khan
- Mothers train your children to only Speak Truth – Imran Khan
- My Pakistanis, you have not left me alone and I promise, I will never leave you alone in sha Allah – Imran Khan
- Social Security is neither social, nor secure. – Edw C Young
- Being denied their original birth certificates isn’t just a problem for adoptees. It’s a social problem, requiring social change. – DaShanne Stokes
- Following trends on social media will not lead to social consciousness. – Carlos Wallace
- Individual liberty may be unable to solve every social problem, but collective violence is unable to solve any social problem. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Social media is just that – social. – John Patrick Hickey
- Social psychologist argued that even severe mental illness was the result of society labeling unusual behavior rather than of biochemical processes. – Thomas J Scheff
- Immeasurable change is nobody’s merit. – Toba Beta
- There’s merit in being different, inspiration in being individual, courage in being unique, and freedom in being yourself. – Fennel Hudson
- You can’t foster a relationship with someone who is always checking your performance to make sure it’s adequate enough to merit his friendship. – Jake Colsen