Entrepreneurship is the use of self-interest in the service of others. Politics is the use of others in the service of self-interest.
– Jakub Boydar Winiewski
Related Quotes:
- Politics is an endless, borderless war against individual liberty. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- If you want peace, prepare for ideological war with those who want others to prepare for physical war. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- The ultimate foundation of spirituality is the recognition that there can’t be such a thing as a purposeful life in a purposeless universe. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- If anarchy is chaos, and chaos is war, why wasn’t a single war started by anarchists? – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- The world will know peace when the entrepreneur fully masters the art of starving the politician. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- The greatest obstacle to liberty is not the existence of evil rulers, but the belief in the existence of good rulers. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Individualism turns a band into a society. Collectivism turns society into a mob. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Individual liberty may be unable to solve every social problem, but collective violence is unable to solve any social problem. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Society is a voluntary scheme of mutual benefit. The state is a compulsory scheme of mutual exploitation. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Economics without ethics is a caricature. Ethics without economics is a fairy tale. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Anarcho-capitalism: the realization that the only way to effectively govern the market is to have an effective market in governance. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Governments represent their citizens in the same way as parasites represent their hosts. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- To eliminate statism is not to physically subdue the rulers, but to mentally liberate the ruled. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- The goal of libertarianism is not to permit people to be free, but to make them realize that they don’t need anyone’s permission to be free. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- A libertarian is someone who graduated from thinking that there are problems with the state to realizing that the state is the problem. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- To claim that one can be happy without being free is to prove that one has no idea what happiness means. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- A slave believes that the law should define the scope of liberty. A free person believes that liberty should define the scope of the law. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- The only common good is the common liberty to pursue individual goods. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Patience is the ability to enjoy the calm of boredom. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- An anarchist is someone who rejects the curious notion that crimes become virtues as they grow in size. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- It takes abstract thinking to see how greed can lead to prosperity, but it takes wishful thinking to claim that violence can lead to charity. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- The best way to turn the earth into hell is to turn the state into a god. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Bad economics teaches that computers can design markets. Good economics teaches that markets can design computers. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski
- Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you. – Pericles
- You are born for service, service is love, service is joy, service brings endless peace and happiness. – Debasish Mridha
- Or they’ll talk about fear, which we used to call politics- job politics, social politics, government politics – Kurt Vonnegut Jr
- Service is joy, Service is the kindnessService is love, Service is the happiness – Debasish Mridha
- Kurti had believed in politics, and politics had deceived him, the way politics deceives everyone. – Imre Kertsz
- Although Americans justify their self-interest in moral terms, their true interest is never itself moral. – Gore Vidal
- We see ourselves as self-sufficient, self-important, and self-sustaining. God sees us as dependent, self-centered, and self-deceived. – Billy Graham
- When you can prove your love for God by your service and attitude to others, your service has started – Sunday Adelaja
- I’d like to say I’m not self-absorbed compared to others, but that’s hard to say since I’m far too self-absorbed to pry into others’ self-absorption. – Anonymous
- Righteousness acts never in its own interest, but in the interest of fellow men. – Thaddeus of Vitovnica
- The more interest you show in your spouse, the more interest your spouse will show in you. – Lindsey Rietzsch
- It is in your best interest to avoid sleep debt, otherwise be prepared to pay both the DEBT and the INTEREST! – Stan Jacobs
- Humans don’t have any type of interest… HAVING SO MUCH STUFF AROUND THEM AND SO LITTLE INTEREST IN THEM. – Deyth Banger
- In politics no permanent friends, no permanent enemies but permanent interest. – Patience Johnson
- No amount of service we do can impress God, only our service to ordinary people can – Sunday Adelaja
- I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. – Rabindranath Tagore
- Service is joy, service is happiness. – Debasish Mridha