getting angry and harbouring bitterness doesn’t help anybody, least of all the angry bitter person.
– Jane WilsonHowarth
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- Living in the edge – that’s what I feel like when I don’t know what my bowels are going to do next. – Jane WilsonHowarth
- a Nepali outlook, pace and philosophy had prevented us being swamped by our problems. In Nepal it was easier to take life day by day. – Jane WilsonHowarth
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- Your vile and bitter diatribes only serve to show how vile and bitter you must be. – CS Woolley
- Don’t deny the past. Remember everything. If you’re bitter, be bitter. Cry it out! Scream! Denial is gangrene. – Joy Kogawa
- It doesn’t matter how bitter or better the past has been, what we can do with the bitter or better past today is what matters. – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
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- Better choose silence than bitter words which shall leave nothing but bitter footprints – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
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- When bitter, say little; when angry, say nothing; when happy, say much; when joyful, say all. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- You will soon regret the bitter words you fumed when you were angry. – Israelmore Ayivor
- Being angry at the mistakes made by the heart will only leave you bitter. – Jamie Magee
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- You’re in the democratic West now, lady. Anybody’s as good as anybody else as long as he’s got the dough to prove it. – Leslie Ford
- There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot. – Plato
- Dr. StupidParker says that when I’m sad it really means I’m angry and when I’m angry it really means I’m afraid. – Laurie Halse Anderson
- Angry at him for leaving without a word, angry at myself for being so easy to leave and for not being enough to make him want to stick around. – Jennifer Niven
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- -¦it struck Mr. Jelliby that a wide-eyed faery was not a surprised faery. It was an angry, angry faery. – Stefan Bachmann
- I was angry with my friend:I told my wrath, my wrath did end.I was angry with my foe:I told it not, my wrath did grow. – William Blake
- Never be angry with something that can’t get angry with you. – Jack Gardner
- The German language is so sonorous, isn’t it? Beautiful language…the language of poetry. Angry, angry poetry. – John Oliver
- Angry driver is angry human and how you drive is how you are. You can tell me the drive is different than the driver, but I haven’t seen it to be. – Cole Harmonson
- Why are you so angry?-His question surprised me, and I laughed a little. -œThis isn’t angry,- I smirked. -œThis is just me. Get used to it. – Amy Harmon
- An angry woman is a bitch. An angry man is strong, whereas, a sad man or a fearful man is a wimp. A sad or fearful woman is frail. – Irene Tomkinson
- They think I make God angry. I hate that they think this. I hate them for thinking it. Why would you decide to worship an angry God anyway? – Anonymous