The true nature of the world is energy not mass.
– Jeanette Winterson
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- It is a true saying, that what you fear you find. – Jeanette Winterson
- Books and doors are the same thing. You open them, and you go through into another world. – Jeanette Winterson
- The world is surely wide enough to walk without fear. – Jeanette Winterson
- To be ill adjusted to a deranged world is not a breakdown. – Jeanette Winterson
- We live as best we may in a world of worms. – Jeanette Winterson
- Nature is powerful and beautiful,Nature is destructive and creative,Nature is amazing and wonderful,Nature is loving and graceful. – Debasish Mridha
- What are you that makes me feel thus? Who are you for whom time has no meaning? – Jeanette Winterson
- Time is a player. Time is part of today, not simply a measure of its passing. – Jeanette Winterson
- I wasn’t reading poetry because my aim was to work my way through English Literature in Prose A-“Z.But this was diff – Jeanette Winterson
- I dreamed I was a single moment in a single day. A note struck and vanished. A sounding. A reckoning. Gone. – Jeanette Winterson
- The free man never thinks of escape. – Jeanette Winterson
- I have sometimes sacrificed freedom in order to belong, but more often I have given up all hope of belonging. – Jeanette Winterson
- Eating was easy. Thinking was hard. – Jeanette Winterson
- For fate may hang on any moment and at any moment be changed. – Jeanette Winterson
- The past is magnetic. It draws us in. – Jeanette Winterson
- Are we all living like this? Two lives, the ideal outer life and the inner imaginative life where we keep our secrets? – Jeanette Winterson
- She knew full well that writers were sex-crazed bohemians who broke the rules and didn’t go out to work. – Jeanette Winterson
- Children do not find fault with their parents until later. In the beginning, the love you get is the love that sets. – Jeanette Winterson
- the buddhists say there are 149 ways to god. i’m not looking for god, only for myself, and that is far more complicated. – Jeanette Winterson
- There will be a future. We believe in our unreality too strongly to give it up. – Jeanette Winterson
- Why is it that human beings are allowed to grow up without the necessary apparatus to make sound ethical decisions? – Jeanette Winterson
- Everyone who tells a story tells it differently, just to remind us that everybody sees it differently – Jeanette Winterson
- The words come at my call but who calls whom? – Jeanette Winterson
- Darkness as well as light. Or do I mean darkness, another kind of light? Lucifer would say so, and I have a weakness for fallen angels. – Jeanette Winterson
- A book is a magic carpet that flies you off somewhere. A book is a door. You open it. You step through. Do you come back? – Jeanette Winterson
- Memory loss is one way of coping with damage. – Jeanette Winterson
- Be with someone you don’t want to be without. – Jeanette Winterson
- You can’t be another person’s honesty, child, but you can be your own. – Jeanette Winterson
- I want to touch you.”And if you did touch me, what then?”I would find a language of beginning. – Jeanette Winterson
- Every journey conceals another journey within its lines: the path not taken and the forgotten angle. – Jeanette Winterson
- What you think is the heart might well be another organ. – Jeanette Winterson
- I can change the story. I am the story. – Jeanette Winterson
- Unconditional love is what a child should expect from a parent even though it rarely works out that way. – Jeanette Winterson
- Well done, my fine fellow out of my womb. What have you gained? Nothing! And oh, what have you lost? Everything! – Jeanette Winterson
- I keep forgetting that if you live in a big city only mad people talk to themselves. – Jeanette Winterson