Because he believed in himself, he believed what he did was important. Or maybe it was the other way around.
– Johnny Rich
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- This pain is comfort. It is the solace of physicality, like a touch. – Johnny Rich
- His suffering was no more real than he was. – Johnny Rich
- For someone to be perfect, they must be real, however imperfect they are. – Johnny Rich
- It is a matter of mere coincidence that there is often a real individual who corresponds with a celebrity, signifies them. – Johnny Rich
- I feel underslept but overjoyed. Nothing feels so good as this. – Johnny Rich
- Is the writer cruel that makes his characters suffer only to bring them to triumph or tragedy in the end? – Johnny Rich
- Stories are just lies made to look like truth. – Johnny Rich
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- Suffering is inevitable. It is part of the human condition. It is written in the human script. – Johnny Rich
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- The future is certain. It is just not known. – Johnny Rich
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- I’m a bit-part actor in my own life – Johnny Rich
- To reread a book is to read a different book. The reader is different. The meaning is different. – Johnny Rich
- Inhumanity is part of humanity as much as suffering is a part of stories. Cruelty is written in the human script. – Johnny Rich
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- Silent is an anagram of listen. – Johnny Rich
- The only simple truth is that there is nothing simple in this complex universe. Everything relates. Everything connects – Johnny Rich
- Being gay is not just what I do, but who I am. It is part of how I choose to live my life even if I never chose. – Johnny Rich
- A thrilling story can be dull if told badly, but even the most mundane event can be elevated into a tale of epic scale by a good storyteller. – Johnny Rich
- Nothing is over our heads if we hold them high enough. – Johnny Rich
- As thoroughly as mankind has killed God, the reader has despatched the author. – Johnny Rich
- Adam & Eve have been degraded, reduplicated forever, photocopies of photocopies, mistakes copied, magnified, augmented. – Johnny Rich
- Even Damocles developed a routine. – Johnny Rich