Your life is a sculpture, every day chip away.
– JR Rim
Related Quotes:
- The mind is the chisel, matter is the stone and life is the sculpture. Make sure you use your chisel wisely – Carsten Ostergaard Pedersen
- Sculpture is what you bump into when you back up to see a painting. – Barnett Newman
- The Fine Arts are five in number: Painting, Music, Poetry, Sculpture, and Architecture–whereof the principle branch is Confectionery. – MarieAntoine Carme
- I created an icicle sculpture in the snow. White on white. – Mary E Pearson
- Art–music, painting, sculpture, dance, drama–opens doors to our soul, exposing our lives to whom or what we allow to enter. – Ron Brackin
- Dance is moving sculpture. – Pablito Greco
- Dancing is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment. – Erol Ozan
- Every salad you serve is a picture you have painted, a sculpture you have modeled, a drama you have created. – Carol Truax
- She was tall and dark-skinned and looked like a Nigerian sculpture. She moved like a lioness, her every step bristling with suppressed violence. – Bonnie Greer
- If you simplify your life, quit chasing the wind, and be quiet before Him, He’ll show up. – Chip Ingram
- I told myself that I was going to live the rest of my life as if it were Saturday. – Chip Gaines
- Reading one book is like eating one potato chip. – Diane Duane
- Anger prepares us to fight and fear prepares us to flee. – Chip Heath
- Dessert was an over baked chocolate chip cookies the size of a hockey puck and just about as tasty. – Carl Hiaasen
- Nature’s silence is its one remark, and every flake of world is a chip off that old mute and immutable block. – Annie Dillard
- I saw them do it. Chip vandals. Right there on Commerce, behind the main road…They cut his head open. They know I watched. – Anna L Davis
- There is one rule, though: once you discover your truth, you have to go all in. Fully. Every single chip. – Kamal Ravikant
- Nothing worth knowing can ever be taught in a classroom. – Chip Kidd
- He was so damn hard, he could chip the ice from his truck’s windshield with his rigid pecker. – Vonnie Davis
- Wearing your feelings on your sleeve will end up being a chip on your shoulder. – John Paul Warren
- Love sticks around even when it has a lot to put up with. – Chip Ingram
- Hopeless situations are never hopeless to God. – Chip Ingram
- If you can’t change the world with chocolate chip cookies, how can you change the world? – Pat Murphy
- Never let your mouth write a check that your ass can’t cash. – Chip Kidd
- Today we are even manipulating the DNA that makes us possible in the first place-”a case of evolution evolving new ways to evolve. – Chip Walter
- The first problem of communication is getting people’s attention. – Chip Heath
- People tend to overuse any idea or concept that delivers an emotional kick. – Chip Heath
- Chip, I know you don’t understand this, but I’d take it as a personal favor if you’d stop trying to marry your mother off to my brothers. – Susan Elizabeth Phillips
- (…) I’m not much of anything, (…) besides bored and boring, punctuated by fits of scant self-amusement. And you are …? – Chip Kidd
- Chip, she’s gone,- and he said, -œI thought I’d feel her looking down on us, but you’re right. She’s just gone – John Green
- Take away the people’s bread and you get discontent; take away their money and you get anger, but take away their heroes and you get revolution. – Alex Jackson
- Death does not end my life, it opens the door to a life without end. – JR Rim
- Life is not a game. Still, in this life, we choose the games we live to play. – JR Rim
- Mechanism! Everywhere — mechanism! Devices for getting away from life so complete that there seemed no life to get away from. – John Galsworthy
- One thing God has been showing me is that I’m not called to save the world, just to point those He places in my life towards the right way. – JR Rim
- Life is a progression of becoming who we are. – JR Rim
- Life is a dash. Pause in the present. Enjoy this moment. – JR Rim
- I have to be honest he was more than a friend to me, I don’t know why, but I found myself having feelings for him.~once again…life goes on~ – Rim Ibrahim
- To inspire is to give life. To expire is to give death. – JR Rim
- Who cares what time you wake up and go to bed? What matters most is what you do with your life in between. – JR Rim