We will all experience the judgment of others when we fall in love. Love with your whole being anyway.
– Julieanne OConnor
Related Quotes:
- A -˜caring’ judgment is still a judgment. And any form of judgment creates blocks and stagnation. – Alaric Hutchinson
- Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. – Rita Mae Brown
- Good judgment comes from experience, and experience – well, that comes from poor judgment. – AA Milne
- Just as the rain carries positive ions, so does change make you more apt to experience love with an expansive heart. – Julieanne OConnor
- Good judgment comes from bad experience. Unfortunately, most of that comes from bad judgment.- Tara Daniels – – Jill Shalvis
- Good judgment comes by way of experience, which comes of bad judgment. – Wolf Pascoe
- Choose your path or others may choose it for you. – Julieanne OConnor
- Jealousy is not a result of love. It is a result of crossed relationship boundaries. Love and relationships should not be confused. – Julieanne OConnor
- You cannot predict the future but you can love and then love some more. – Julieanne OConnor
- Let my heart fall into your life. Let my heart fall into your hand. Let it fall, let it fall – my heart to your heart. – Kristian Goldmund Aumann
- No one should ever be punished for feeling love. – Julieanne OConnor
- Some say ignorance is bliss, I say love is. – Julieanne OConnor
- Ego is based on judgment. Stop judging and you will be free from the ego: in the Oneness there is no judgment, only Unconditional Love. – Human Angels
- Stand strong in your value. That starts by knowing your value. – Julieanne OConnor
- Indiscretions can lead to great lessons. – Julieanne OConnor
- Those things that are not within your control can often be the very things that set you free. – Julieanne OConnor
- Often it takes more guts than skill to open doors. Once the doors get opened, then it’s up to you. – Julieanne OConnor
- Sometimes life is unpredictable, as are people. – Julieanne OConnor
- When you get clear on your own boundaries, you will find it easy to decide what you’re willing to accept in your career. – Julieanne OConnor
- What makes a person unique is their vision, their belief, their passion, and their flat out unwillingness to give up. – Julieanne OConnor
- When it comes to recognizing your greatness, start first within your mind. Start now, in this moment. Imagine, imagine, imagine and then believe! – Julieanne OConnor
- Opportunities rarely give second chances. – Julieanne OConnor
- You never know who you’re talking to. Don’t judge. Remember people who you encounter are put in your path for a reason. – Julieanne OConnor
- Life is full of surprises but you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Start there. – Julieanne OConnor
- Sometimes what may appear as unfair, may actually be a huge favor from the Universe, pushing you in the right direction to live your dreams. – Julieanne OConnor
- Before you get a bad attitude by drawing recurring conclusions to new situation based on past experiences, be sure to look for the possibilities. – Julieanne OConnor
- Life’s unpredictable path and length, should be enough to make you want to take a chance. – Julieanne OConnor
- When it comes to happiness, why would anyone want to delay it? – Julieanne OConnor
- In life there is but one career path that will fulfill. The path itself of joy. Make your heart sing. Anything else is a waste of life. – Julieanne OConnor
- SLAMMED DOORS, Path of Discouragement. OPEN DOORS, Path of change. Do something different. – Julieanne OConnor
- Catching up with the end result is never final, until it is, upon death. – Julieanne OConnor
- The most important part of life is in fact, the journey, and it’s happening right now. – Julieanne OConnor
- Only your life’s work , driven by passion, will last forever. – Julieanne OConnor
- Ladies, you have a ton of power if you just understand the fundamental differences between men and women and unaffectedly play by the rules. – Julieanne OConnor
- My feeling on the subject of sex with a man is – don’t give it up unless you’re willing to give him up. Not in the beginning. Sex is power! – Julieanne OConnor
- Life is surreal. When you step back and really take a look at it, the irony is absolute. – Julieanne OConnor
- You are not for everyone. But you are for someone. – Julieanne OConnor
- Worthy or not, you will receive your destiny. Awake or not you will notice. – Julieanne OConnor
- Non-attachment grounded in faith allows good to return to you. – Julieanne OConnor
- It’s not about presents but it is about your presence. Therein lies the spirit of the holiday season. – Julieanne OConnor