He loved me.Noah Hutchins had told me he loved me, and that had made the past week at school absolute hell.
– Katie McGarry
Related Quotes:
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- The most dangerous guy at my school-the lone person who makes me feel safe-is reveling in the way I am touching him. – Katie McGarry
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- I carry too much of the week into the Sabbath , and too little of the Sabbath into the week. John Quincy Adams – Paul C Nagel
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- But then again, I shouldn’t judge. That is, after all, my pet peeve. – Katie McGarry
- Here’s the thing- I love you and I love her, but I swear to God I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her. – Katie McGarry
- Anyone who ever makes you the slightest bit uncomfortable, Breanna, you tell one of us. You’re with Razor, which means you’re family. – Katie McGarry
- The worst moments are when my entire family is in the same room. With the people I should love the most surrounding me, I feel the most alone. – Katie McGarry
- we were nothing more than actions to reactions – helpless against our own fate. It’s true. I react and others pay. – Katie McGarry
- I’d like to somehow find the courage to be on the outside who I am on the inside. – Katie McGarry
- Nothing makes you think you might need years of therapy like saying the word breasts in front of your mother. – Katie McGarry
- You can`t change destinies already written, that only happens in fairy tales. – Katie McGarry
- I saw the world in black and white instead of the vibrant colours and shades I knew existed. – Katie McGarry
- As long as everyone thinks you’re a cutter or tried to commit suicide you’ll always be on the outs. – Katie McGarry
- I kiss him. My mouth on his. Without fear. Without thought. All of my emotions, my love, my trust, wrapped up in this embrace. – Katie McGarry
- Her tactics are brutal. The Marines could employ her. – Katie McGarry
- Typical me–hurricane that leaves nothing but destruction. – Katie McGarry
- She’s my girl now and I’ll do anything for her at any time. I’m in love with her. – Katie McGarry
- Hearsay, even from the people I love, doesn’t equate to gospel truth. – Katie McGarry
- Isn’t it always the things that you can’t see that hurt you? – Katie McGarry
- Isn’t it always the things that you can’t see that hurt you? – Katie McGarry
- I’m right and wrong, moral and immoral, good and bad, a hero and a villain, and I’ve been just as capable of truth as I have been lies. – Katie McGarry
- Food shouldn’t be half-bad. It should be all good. – Katie McGarry
- Yesterday Allison bought me nail polish in the annoying shade of mauve. How can anyone look at me and think mauve? – Katie McGarry
- Hate the sin, not the sinner, isn’t that what good people say? Or are you asking yourself at what point does the sin overtake the sinner? – Katie McGarry
- Aires and Echo Emerson. Their mother must have hated them to give them names like that. – Katie McGarry
- Emotions is evil. People who make me feel are worse. I take comfort in the stone inside of me. If I don’t feel, I don’t hurt. – Katie McGarry
- AMELIA: Thank you to everyone for keeping up with me while I run for the finish line. – Amelia Hutchins
- Opinions are like ugly children -¦ despite it all you love your own. – Scott Hutchins
- Not everyone’s life will be a great love story. – Scott Hutchins