I got a body covered in scars, but then who doesn’t? If you don’t have a few scars, you haven’t really lived.
– Lexi Blake
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- If it’s that jerk, he’s going to see my gun. -˜My body is a weapon.’ Dumb sh*t. I bet my gun can take out his body really damn quick. – Lexi Blake
- If it’s that jerk, he’s going to see my gun. -˜My body is a weapon.’ Dumb sh*t. I bet my gun can take out his body really damn quick. – Lexi Blake
- Some scars don’t hurt. Some scars are numb. Some scars rid you of the capacity to feel anything ever again. – Joyce Rachelle
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- It’s all about how you look at things. We often choose to make something ugly or beautiful. – Lexi Blake
- Maybe she should stop reading those damn romance novels. They were giving her crazy expectations. – Lexi Blake
- Panties are a privilege, not a right. – Lexi Blake
- He’s a sub dog. How did she find a sub dog? – Lexi Blake
- You should be cuddling with her. I can’t believe I just said that. Cuddling makes me want to vomit a little, but apparently women like it. – Lexi Blake
- He’s a sub dog. How did she find a sub dog? – Lexi Blake
- Holy crap. Is that an elephant ?????? – Lexi Blake
- Holy crap. Is that an elephant ?????? – Lexi Blake
- I actually told him to f**k himself. And that if he needed an ass to paddle, he should look in the mirror. – Lexi Blake
- Gin a body meet a bodyComing thro’ the rye,Gin a body kiss a body-” Need a body cry? – Robert Burns
- The Church says: the body is a sin.Science says: the body is a machine.Advertising says: The body is a business.The Body says: I am a fiesta. – Eduardo Galeano
- Do not trust a person without scars. If they have no scars, then it means someone else is wearing theirs, usually unfairly, and usually permanently. – Justin K McFarlane Beau
- Scars we have today are the constant reminder of our past. They are our auto energizer in our journey toward the future. No need to fear the scars. – Jean Nshimiyimana
- Our scars make us who we are. Some scars are just deeper than others. – Alex Rosa
- Wounds are wounds. Scars are scars. They can heal but not vanish. – DN Joshi
- If you think your scars bother me, you’re wrong. In my eyes, you’re a hero. Your scars are just proof of that. – Pamela Clare
- I want you to know how perfectyour body looks after a shower.Fresh.Covered in little dropsof water.Just like dewy grass aftera night of rainfall. – Sheri Rosa
- I’m a naked mind, in a covered body. – Sara Keddar
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- Scars mean you fought. Wrinkles mean you lived. Heartache means you loved. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- A well lived life is purpose filled – Blake L Higginbotham
- I dont hate it he thought, panting in the cold air, the iron New England dark; I dont. I dont! I dont hate it! I dont hate it! – William Faulkner
- What men call the shadow of the body is not the shadow of the body, but is the body of the soul. – Oscar Wilde
- Your current body is the only body that can take you to your new body-”so be kind to it. – Elaine Moran
- Our Body function in unity,to get things done.The body of the world should learn from out body. – peter irabor
- I am more than my measurements. The cycle of body-shaming needs to end. I’m over it-¦ My body is MY body. I’ll call the shots. – Ashley Graham
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- Don’t get hooked on taking identity in illness and diagnosis, there is only a body in balance or a body out of balance. Get your body balanced. – Nina Leavins
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- Love doesn’t go away just because you realize you can’t be with someone – Lexi Ryan
- Nolan was the only one who knew the real Lexi Shaw, and that was exactly how I intended to keep it. – Rebecca Phillips
- despair all ye mortals,- he said in a voice of doom. -œthe mama approacheth – Lexi George
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- Scars are something of a body’s memoir. – Chris Nicolaisen
- It is not the the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind. – Aisha Mirza