Life nurtures.Life tortures.Either way, you come out stronger!
– Manoj Vaz
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- Life may not have dealt you a great set of cards… but who says the one with better cards will win? – Manoj Vaz
- Life isn’t complicated.We are. – Manoj Vaz
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- Don’t expect life to serve you what you expect. Just enjoy the buffet. – Manoj Vaz
- Between hope and despair treads a life without love! – Manoj Vaz
- Fiction has to be well researched, properly conceived and logically presented.Reality needs none of the above. – Manoj Vaz
- There is no truth.There is only perceptionand perception is reality! – Manoj Vaz
- To conform is to be average. – Manoj Vaz
- Never cry for the same person twice. – Manoj Vaz
- Fantasies are the escape that every prisoner of the soul indulges in. – Manoj Vaz
- Love is like is like the setting sunafter shining brightly, it dips steadilytill it disappears…only to resurface another day. – Manoj Vaz
- Everybody learns from their own mistakes.The wise learn from mistakes others make. – Manoj Vaz
- To win the rat race, you have to think and behave like a cat. – Manoj Vaz
- Everybody looks good in their own mirror! – Manoj Vaz
- Your achievements die with you.Your deeds live on as your legacy! – Manoj Vaz
- Don’t stop livingbefore you stop breathing. – Manoj Vaz
- To gain significance, you must first realise that you are insignificant. – Manoj Vaz
- Depravity and decadence are two sides of the same coin. – Manoj Vaz
- Don’t try to understand women.Women don’t want to be understood,they just want to be loved.It is men who crave understanding. – Manoj Vaz
- God is a necessary evil. – Manoj Vaz
- Where there is no will,there is always a way out. – Manoj Vaz
- If everybody agrees with your point of view, you haven’t thought hard enough. – Manoj Vaz
- We do not fear death.We fear not having lived enough. – Manoj Vaz
- A thinking man can never be brave. – Manoj Vaz
- Humans hunt and kill maneaters.What if animals hunted animal eaters?! – Manoj Vaz
- Man is the only animal on earth intelligent enough to invent God and foolish enough to believe in Him. – Manoj Vaz
- Sometimes if you don’t get lost,there is a chance,you may never arrive! – Manoj Vaz
- Somewhere between what is…and what can be…begs the question…what are you meant to be? – Manoj Vaz
- Among the tortures and devastations of life is this then-”our friends are not able to finish their stories. – Virginia Woolf
- Oft gay and honoured robes those tortures try: We think caged birds sing, when indeed they cry. – John Webster
- I hate Bangladesh, because it tortures my motherland. – Shobuj Taposh
- You did not come this far, just to come this far. – Manoj Arora
- You will either find a way, or an excuse. It depends on how badly you want it in life. – Manoj Arora
- Fear is stronger than love, remember that. Fear is stronger than love, all that love I gave didn’t mean nothing when it came to fear. – Tupac Shakur
- They say what doesn’t kill u makes u stronger.. but truth is sometimes it does kill u, it kills a part of u then it makes u stronger. – Tilicia Haridat
- You are stronger than your challenges and your challenges are making you stronger. – Karen Salmansohn