I am Rabbit. I can be anywhere. I can be everywhere. I am outside time. I am outside dimension. Do you want me? I am yours.
– Mark Andrew Poe
Related Quotes:
- I am Rabbit. I can be anywhere. I can be everywhere. I am outside time. I am outside dimension. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Rhiannon’s Law #16: If it looks like a rabbit, and it hops like a rabbit, run the other way and fast. That shit is liable to tear you arm off. – JA Saare
- Depend on the rabbit’s foot if you will, but remember it didn’t work for the rabbit – Kate Karyus Quinn
- Do you want me? I am yours. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Think outside of the box. Work outside of the box. Dream outside of the box. Succeed outside of the box. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. Anyone who lives inside the US can never be considered an outsider anywhere in the country – Martin Luther King Jr
- I don’t give up on people, even when they give up on me. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Our ability to choose is sacred. It’s what makes humans special. – Mark Andrew Poe
- This magic does not work with anger. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Remember your magic. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Words like -œpatience-, and -œkindness-, and -œgoodness-. They are the words of a hero. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Don’t be afraid of the dark. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Once darkness has what its wants, it drops you like a hot potato. – Mark Andrew Poe
- I do not support vengeance. I support justice. They are not one in the same. – Mark Andrew Poe
- No time for monsters. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Don’t write your child’s pages. Turn them with love. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Not accustomed to entertaining angels, are we?- he asked. – Mark Andrew Poe
- It is difficult to understand the journey of a hero,- the whisperer said. – Mark Andrew Poe
- A hero is someone who is selfless. – Mark Andrew Poe
- We all have the choice as to how we want to create our world. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Love is at the very root of having a positive attitude. – Mark Andrew Poe
- To love is to give hope to even the darkest atmosphere. – Mark Andrew Poe
- Don’t stop before your miracle happens ~ Levon Poe – Levon Poe
- You are never a failure when you learn from a mistake and try again ~ Levon Poe – Levon Poe
- Don’t believe in coincidence. There is nothing unplanned in this universe ~ Levon Peter Poe – Levon Poe
- Perfect grammar–persistent, continuous, sustained–is the fourth dimension, so to speak: many have sought it, but none has found it. – Mark Twain
- Perfect grammar–persistent, continuous, sustained–is the fourth dimension, so to speak: many have sought it, but none has found it. – Mark Twain
- Tyranny anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere. – Alex Storozynski
- Just because you can’t act EVERYWHERE doesn’t mean you don’t act ANYWHERE. -“ Madeleine Albright – Walter Isaacson
- If you can work anywhere, anytime, then pretty soon you’re working everywhere all the time. – Judy Nichols
- If you try to be everywhere at once, you won’t be anywhere at all. – Todd Stocker
- When everything hurries everywhere, nothing goes anywhere. – Dejan Stojanovic
- The rape of justice anywhere ,violates justice everywhere – Colin Tegerdine
- For the animals in nature, everywhere is their houses! When we touch anywhere in nature, we must know that we knock their doors! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- Help does not come from anywhere outside – it comes only from within ourselves. – Abhijit Naskar
- You can get in anywhere if you go to serve. – Brother Andrew
- ????y is everywhere. ???? is everywhere. Chemistry isn’t. – Genereux Philip
- Everywhere, everywhere, children are the scorned people of the earth. – Toni Morrison
- If somebody asks you where you are going, tell him you are going to everywhere, because future is a path going to everywhere! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- I guess the lesson is you can’t go everywhere. You should still go everywhere you can. – Charles Finch