Hold each moment you create on your sacred journey close to your heart, for that is the location where your memory will be deposited.
– Molly Friedenfeld
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- An act of kindness may take only a moment of our time, but when captured in the heart the memory lives forever. – Molly Friedenfeld
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- Staying in alignment with truth will always illuminate the path of another soul’s journey. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Those that choose to walk in the light will experience light.Those that choose the opposite path create for themselves the opposite experience. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Life is made up of Moments. Moments create Days, days create Months, months create Years, years create LIFE. Lose the Moment and you lose Life. – RVM
- Fear is an illusionary place we travel to in our minds when we allow ourselves to move away from the heart. – Molly Friedenfeld
- We must be willing to expand the heart in order to be able to expand our thinking. – Molly Friedenfeld
- When we involve others in spontaneous acts of kindness, we go from being strangers to becoming a united team connected at the heart level. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Kindness always leaves a timeless deposit on the heart. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Kindness always leaves a timeless deposit on the heart. – Molly Friedenfeld
- When you want your message to be heard, always speak from your heart. – Molly Friedenfeld
- When someone wants to give you a -œpiece of their mind,- ask them to give you -œpeace from their heart- instead. – Molly Friedenfeld
- There is no fear in love. Live with the foundation of LOVE in your heart and you will become FEARLESS. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Digital publishing allows an author a new platform for which the words of one heart can be shared with all souls of the world. – Molly Friedenfeld
- There are no coincidences, only synchronicities: mini miracles placed before us by the Angels with love to inspire the mind and expand the heart. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Angels only care about what you look like on the inside. A pure heart is the vessel that contains a soul’s true beauty. – Molly Friedenfeld
- When an Angel whispers in your ear, it is your heart that hears thy message. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Maybe journey is not so much a journey ahead, or a journey into space, but a journey into presence. – Nelle Morton
- This moment will never ever come back, so create a memory and hold it tight. – Debasish Mridha
- I know I’ll hold this loss in my heart forever. I know I’ll hold, I’ll hold. I know. – Sara Quin
- Love and truth are intimately connected. You cannot have pure love without pure truth and you cannot have pure truth without pure love. – Molly Friedenfeld
- If someone is facing a difficult time, one of the kindest things you can do for him or her is to say, -œI’m just going to love you through this. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Having a vested interest in other souls unconditionally creates a ripple effect that produces miracles in the lives of those around us. – Molly Friedenfeld
- A person can put up any kind of protective wall, but love and truth always find a way around it. – Molly Friedenfeld
- When boys unite hearts they become gentlemen. – Molly Friedenfeld
- One of the nicest things you can do is to speak kind words about someone behind his or her back. – Molly Friedenfeld
- A purposeful act or extension of kindness to another is never wasted, for it always resides in the hearts of all involved in a chain of love. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Lies are like anchovies in a Caesar salad. You may not be able to see them, but your soul knows they are there. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Love is fuel for the soul. – Molly Friedenfeld
- There is always a TRUTH to be revealed in any situation where your emotions have shifted. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Any time a stipulation on love is present, unconditional love is not. – Molly Friedenfeld
- The only thing that keeps us from a place of joy is an illusion, the illusion of fear. – Molly Friedenfeld
- When two or more hearts unite, anything is possible. – Molly Friedenfeld
- It is all for naught, if not for love. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Spend as much time as possible with positive, joyful people and as little time as possible with negative, unhappy people. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Angels walk among us, Sometimes the only thing we may not see are the wings upon their backs. – Molly Friedenfeld
- Conscious humility is the decision to live from our hearts. – Molly Friedenfeld
- If you know someone that has given up hope, try giving that person some of your peace, joy, and faith! – Molly Friedenfeld