Men who hit do so because they can…someplace they enjoy or need to humiliate another. There is no love in violence, only control and domination.
– Naama Yehuda
Related Quotes:
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- When hearts speak, they touch each other and transform the deepest sorrow. – Naama Yehuda
- Be happy for things that work. – Naama Yehuda
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- Sometimes, it becomes necessary for you to hit the bottom, and hit really hard that it awakens you. – Frederick Espiritu
- Where love is absent, violence is a glaring possibility. Introduce love into any situation and violence gradually evaporates. – Pooja Ruprell
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- preemptive strike n.A blow or punch delivered by military aircraft to a target who is suspected of being adverse to one’s plot for world domination. – Leslie Starr OHara
- Violence never can wipe out violence, only a caring heart with love can do that. – Debasish Mridha
- Sometimes violence is necessary to prevent even more violence,- I concluded, almost as if it were an epiphany. – Zack Love
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- Violence can only breed more violence and suffering. Our struggle must remain non-violent and free of hatred. – Dalai Lama XIV
- Violence is violence and can in no way be misconstrued as discipline under any circumstance cultural or otherwise. – Aysha Taryam
- When we allow violence against some, we enable violence against all. – DaShanne Stokes
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- In Labor movements generally, success through violence can hardly be expected except in circumstances where success without violence is attainable. – Bertrand Russell
- As long as we do violence to other animals, we’ll keep on doing violence to ourselves. – Paul Russell
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