Any death prior to the heat death of the universe is premature if your life is good.
– Nick Bostrom
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- From that moment, and for the rest of my life, my mother’s words–perceptive and many others–have helped me to be the thing she saw and named in me. – Karen Swallow Prior
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- Besides, we were fifteen, and we couldn’t get our feelings to match up with our brains. So we went with our feelings. – Karen Swallow Prior
- Our common humanity can bridge any prior expanse of disagreement between us. – Carmine Savastano
- -¦mischief, -¦arises not from our living in the world, but from the world living in us; occupying our hearts, and monopolizing our affections. – Karen Swallow Prior
- The world is dictated by our desires rather than our thoughts. The prior puts the latter in motion. – Sarah Noffke
- The end must justify the means. – Matthew Prior
- What good literature can do and does do-”far greater than any importation of morality-”is touch the human soul. – Karen Swallow Prior
- I confessed to Tobias, soon after that, that I had lost my entire family.And he assured me that he was my family now. -Tris Prior – Veronica Roth
- Who breathes must suffer, and who thinks must mourn; And he alone is bless’d who ne’er was born. – Matthew Prior
- Fate is nothing but the deeds committed in a prior state of existence. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- We are always in the process of becoming. Self-identity is a fusion of our prior decisions and our current thoughts. – Kilroy J Oldster
- It is within science itself, and not in some prior philosophy, that reality is to be identified and described. – Willard Van Orman Quine
- Love tickles parts of you that, prior to its influence, you didn’t even know could feel. – Richelle E Goodrich
- A path is a prior interpretation of the best way to traverse a landscape. – Rebecca Solnit
- Prior Planning Produces Positive Performance – Salley Farquharson
- All that you areforever to Be,Is prior to…and just beyondInfinity. – Leland Lewis
- I am so afraid that strangers with think me good! and there is a degree of hypocrisy in appearing much better than one is.- – Hannah More – Karen Swallow Prior
- Do not seek death. Death will find you. But seek the road which makes death a fulfillment. – Dag Hammarskjld
- Death was a living creature. Death was a man tormented by his past. Death was once a human. – SKN Hammerstone
- I can see death and more death, till we are black and swollen with death. – David Herbet
- A good death is a death in solidarity with others. To prepare ourselves for a good death, we must develop or deepen this sense of solidarity. – Henri JM Nouwen
- Would that we could choose the last image we see before death closes our eyes forever to this world. – Nick Hirst
- …wanting soul life without the dark, warming intelligence of personal doubt is like expecting an egg without the brooding heat of the mother hen. – David Whyte
- He had the muscular definition of a man who had spent his life restraining elephants in heat. – Taona Dumisani Chiveneko
- …one opportunity leads directly to another, just as risk leads to more risk, life to more life, and death to more death. – Markus Zusak