Every man is an author – an author of his state.
– Ogwo David Emenike
Related Quotes:
- Every man is the conscious or unconscious author of his state. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Fate determines a man’s beginning. The man, by choice, determines his end. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Like a warrior in the battlefield, a writer must endeavour to use his pen to stamp the paper with his identity. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Every man is the craftsman of his future, whether he hone it himself or allow fate do it. – Ogwo David Emenike
- One of the most important things a man must bear in mind is this very thing – that he owes his fellow a transforming encounter. – Ogwo David Emenike
- The death of a dreamer does not always bring about the death of his dreams. – Ogwo David Emenike
- A man’s life is about keeping rules, breaking them, and making new ones. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Courage, self-reliance and decisiveness are the main traits that define a man. – Ogwo David Emenike
- It takes patience to make a man – the patience to listen, watch and wait. – Ogwo David Emenike
- There are three things I love, three things I spend time with, three things I treat alike: family; friends; and books. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Invariably, we all are ‘MIND LORDS’. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Mind your mind, soon, you will mine from it. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Education is for freedom – freedom from mental slavery. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Whatever will be, will be, if and only if you let it be. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Mere hope isn’t enough to change destiny. One must act. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Writers are like tricksters. Their words lure us to embark on journeys and unlock our emotions. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Friendship is the grease of life. – Ogwo David Emenike
- There are some people who walk into your life and shed a new light in your entire being. Be grateful to such people. – Ogwo David Emenike
- I have never read, heard or seen hatred and guilt win a fight. When we walk in the light of forgiveness and love we meet true victory. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Forgiveness is not the act of doing nothing to the one who hurts you. It’s easy to do nothing, but hard to forgive. – Ogwo David Emenike
- In the classroom of hatred we learn pain, but love teaches us to forgive. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Our imagination goes ahead of us, bringing our yesterday’s imagings into present realities. – Ogwo David Emenike
- To imagine is to risk being mentally blind. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Synergy without strategy results to waste of energy. – Ogwo David Emenike
- If we ask the right questions, we can change the world with the right answers. – Ogwo David Emenike
- You can’t do it better without teamwork. – Ogwo David Emenike
- There is no good envy, except the one that motivates us to reach higher goals and be better than the person we were yesterday. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Decode the message of failure and enjoy the fortune thereof. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Greatness is in influence, and not necessarily in affluence. It is not achieved by being a ‘paper millionaire’, but by being a ‘people millionaire’. – Ogwo David Emenike
- The burden of knowledge is lighter than the joy of ignorance. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Good and quiet do not connote weakness. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Developing your unique thought to the level of being appreciated and adopted by the world – that’s genius. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Waiting is a form of passive persistence. – Ogwo David Emenike
- The Sage’s Wish: Like Sun, from the East, may you continue to rise, smile and shine. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Who knows not sacrifice may never gain freedom. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Fear breeds cowardice, and cowardice compels bravery. – Ogwo David Emenike
- Take charge of your life! The tides do not command the ship. The sailor does. – Ogwo David Emenike
- With teamwork we are able to multiply our output and minimize individual input. – Ogwo David Emenike
- What would have been the fate of sages if there were no fools? – Ogwo David Emenike
- Of what need is teamwork without a common goal? – Ogwo David Emenike