Uncertainty is the certainity of life!
– Ramana Pemmaraju
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- Life becomes boring when things fall in place the way you intended! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Life is a process of discovering your INNATE NATURE! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- The irony of life is we always compare our fantasies with reality, rather than accepting the reality as is and transforming it into a paradise…. – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Complexity is a product of unawareness and simplicity a result of awareness! Uncomplex yourself, Live Life! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- How, when and what you perceive – defines your life! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Of all the thoughts that hover in your mind, the one you deliberately choose and act upon – changes your LIFE! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- The most astonishing fact of life is that MAN has not only stopped responding to others, but also to HIMSELF! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- We think consciously yet live life unconsciously! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Make NOW the primary focus of your life! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- The point is there is no point in life! Live the Moment! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- What more crime can a woman commit by suffocating her sensuous body behind the tight dress. Stay Nude, Breathe Life! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- It’s amazing what people do for love, but the most astonishing fact is how love transforms people… – Ramana Pemmaraju
- He was busy exploring her body, while she was searching for her soulmate! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Mind is effort, while heart is effortless! What are YOU? – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Man is always inferior to a woman, a fact he will never realize nor confess in his lifetime! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Stop raping your feelings with thoughts! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Communication is not using beautiful and complex words to impress, but its all about expressing our truest emotions using simple words! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Application of common sense is Intelligence – Ramana Pemmaraju
- As long as you try to think intelligently, you have missed the point. – Ramana Pemmaraju
- A Man of wisdom is one who discusses everything other than his achievements, a Fool speaks only of his achievements – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Man was bestowed with intelligence, only to gauge his foolishness! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Your EYES not only see everything around you AS IS, but also PROJECT what you wish look in this world! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- You can either acquire knowledge through a library or just have a Saggitarius friend! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- We are united by our common fears and divided by our individual freedom! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Psychology is more concerned with identifying the degree of mental disorder and less with its cure! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- You have treasured your MIND more than your ‘SELF’ and that’s the primary source of unhappiness! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Be careful what you choose to experience, because you never remain the same person as earlier. Something intrinsically changes you forever! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Never arouse her if you can’t satiate her in entirety! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- You can only convey that which you’re not, for what you’re you only EXPERIENCE! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Are you speaking your mind or expressing your feelings? – Ramana Pemmaraju
- A man without mind brings ecstasy! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Not every emotion deserves the same attention – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Smile at everyone and brighten their day! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- There is never a bad joke, it’s adressing to a wrong audience that makes it look bad! – Ramana Pemmaraju
- Write only if you wish to read it again and again… – Ramana Pemmaraju