When we look and feel happy, it’s beautiful and more attractive than anything we could possibly imagine.
– Ron Baratono
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- There’s calm in the mind of the humble. An unmistakable peace of not having to prove anything to anyone. – Ron Baratono
- It feels good not to think about anything that wears on me. We all need that kind of of room in our lives. – Ron Baratono
- If you desire romance then give some it’s equally heartwarming. There’s many ways to satisfy one’s heart, and feel special. – Ron Baratono
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- Feel, he told himself, feel, feel, feel. Even if what you feel is pain, only let yourself feel. – PD James
- For all the things we do in our lives and the people that surround us, its family and those few loyal friends that God has blessed us with. – Ron Baratono
- With God’s help in the grasp of addiction you’ll find the truth. When we understand this and its purity, then true healing can begin. – Ron Baratono
- When it comes to recognizing your greatness, start first within your mind. Start now, in this moment. Imagine, imagine, imagine and then believe! – Julieanne OConnor
- It’s great to feel happy. Go, do what makes you feel happy. Do it shabbily and get shallow happiness; Do it hard and feel the hardest happiness! – Israelmore Ayivor
- It’s best to have a small boat of friends where everyone rows than an ark of friends where no one does. At least you’re getting somewhere. – Ron Baratono
- I think we spend more time thinking of things to deal with than just letting them go. When we quiet our minds, that’s true freedom. – Ron Baratono
- We all reach a point in our lives where time is the most expensive thing we have. – Ron Baratono
- As we get better at knowing God’s love, we grow into better things that surround our lives. – Ron Baratono
- When people judge they completely lose sight of the blessings on their own tables. Jealousy or conviction is a very dark room. – Ron Baratono
- If we think about each other’s feelings, then we’re never alone. – Ron Baratono
- Attention serves a person better when he or she works for it and then lets it come. – Ron Baratono
- Worrying about things that haven’t happened yet is like riding on the hood of your car-”what’s the point? – Ron Baratono
- Extraordinary people always inspire others. – Ron Baratono
- Freedom of the mind is the most important liberty we have. Our belief in God’s grace gives us that freedom. – Ron Baratono
- True peace of mind is calm in your heart that you can’t explain. – Ron Baratono
- The greatest accomplishments in life come from the heart. – Ron Baratono
- Each day we hold things in our heart, sometimes these things are heavy. Carrying God’s grace with us each and every day lightens life’s load. – Ron Baratono
- I think we all keep irritating situations in our head to long, until we finally realize it’s taking up valuable space. – Ron Baratono
- Your true character in life is your destiny. – Ron Baratono
- The truly important people in our lives are always in our future. – Ron Baratono
- One of the most exciting things in life is when you can’t get enough of learning something you love. – Ron Baratono
- Seeking revenge is like reaching out for your own personal turmoil, it’s never worth it. Righteousness will always come through Jesus Christ. – Ron Baratono
- Our own random acts of kindness allow us to receive a gift each day in our hearts. – Ron Baratono
- Right on the other side of our fears resides hope and happiness. We get stuck in our lives afraid to walk over there when it’s a much kinder place. – Ron Baratono
- If we occupy our minds with self-loathing or negative thoughts, then maybe we don’t have enough to do. – Ron Baratono
- We can decide our fate every day, when we love we will be loved. – Ron Baratono
- How we think is so important. There has to be a time when we stop just dealing with life and think about enjoying it. – Ron Baratono
- Our journey without judgment can begin today. – Ron Baratono
- Each day is a blessing, and I awake wondering what wonderful thing, no matter how big or small, will happen to me today. – Ron Baratono
- Jealousy is a normal human emotion. When people act on that emotion, they then become a hater. – Ron Baratono
- Goodness follows goodness, all in God’s time. – Ron Baratono