Learn to surrender, because sometimes, when there is no way, surrender is the way.
Related Quotes:
- Surrender your expectations. Surrender your doubts. Surrender your fears. Surrender your strengths. Surrender your anger. Surrender your control. – Yasmine Galenorn
- I win by means of nothing but logic and I surrender to nothing but logic. I do not surrender my reason or deal with men who surrender theirs. – Ayn Rand
- Like a feather in the air, like a leaf in the sea, I surrender to Thee, I surrender to Thee. – RVM
- To Be who you want to Be – Don’t Wonder… Just Surrender! -RVM – RVM
- Don’t surrender your life to a Face, a Farce, a Fence or a Force. Don’t be a Slave, be Brave. – RVM
- The ignorant learn from none, the simple learn from some, the intelligent learn from many, but the enlightened learn from all. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- Very often, we let little things spoil some of our most important treasures-”our Moment, our Day, our Life.-RVM – RVM
- Life is not a Race to Chase, but we realize it only when Death comes face-to-face .RVM – RVM
- Making money may give a sense of Achievement. But making a difference will give a sense of Fulfillment.-RVM – RVM
- Those who say -“ -œI need Motivation- will never create Inspiration that will take them to their Destination.-RVM – RVM
- While a rich man cannot have more than 1440 minutes a day, a clever man makes more time by using OPM or Other People’s Minutes.-RVM – RVM
- Someone who lives meaningfully for 30 years has lived a much longer Life than one who drifted through Life for 60 years.-RVM – RVM
- Don’t just Hurry, don’t just Haste. Don’t just Worry, don’t just Waste. Life is a Treasure, Enjoy the Pleasure.- RVM – RVM
- He is a true King who has the Freedom to do anything!- RVM – RVM
- Allow yourself the Freedom to Fail before you see Success Sail!-RVM – RVM
- Celebrate Life. To truly live, Celebrate each day of Life. Let each day be a Festival of Joy.-RVM – RVM
- Don’t live a dull boring life. Spice it up. Have u realized that you wont live forever.-RVM – RVM
- Why destroy this Morn, by a Past that is dead & Gone and a Future not yet Born!-RVM – RVM
- With Inspiration, Liberation and Determination, you can reach any Destination.-RVM – RVM
- Move on, don’t let the little things of Life hold you back. Forget, Forgive, and Move on.- RVM – RVM
- The only thing that belongs to us is our LIFE. Yet, we waste it in the pursuit of meaningless things that will never belong to us.- RVM – RVM
- The Gift of Life is a Treasure. Some fill it with Pressure . . . some with Pleasure!-RVM – RVM
- You must be willing to play with Failure before you reach Success.-RVM – RVM
- Anyone can exist. Most fools do. It takes guts to truly Live. -RVM – RVM
- Far greater than all the material possessions that I possess, is my Freedom to Choose, my Freedom to Live, and my Freedom to be Happy.- RVM – RVM
- People are like pistachios. Some of them open up easily, but there are others who need to be really broken to get into.- RVM – RVM
- To live with Faith, eliminate Fear. Only one can exist in our Life at any point of time. -RVM – RVM
- How much you achieve in Life is not as important as how much you enjoy each moment of Life.-RVM – RVM
- Contentment is the foundation of true Happiness. The Happiness that comes from fulfilling desires can never be permanent.-RVM – RVM
- A moment spent in Sorrow or a moment spent in Pain is a waste of a Great Treasure that you will never get again. -RVM – RVM
- Don’t just GO through life, GROW through it. For Life comes to you only once, never to return! Climb the Ladder of Life, step by step.-RVM – RVM
- I am the Richest man on earth because I am the Happiest man on earth. After all, isn’t Happiness the Greatest Wealth in Life? -RVM – RVM
- If you don’t like the Fruits you are growing, then change the Seeds you are sowing. -RVM – RVM
- Those who Discover the High Sea are the ones who are FREE to Be what they Want to Be. -RVM – RVM
- If your Life is full of Sorrow, then beg, steal, or borrow ENTHUSIASM from a great soul to make your Life whole. -RVM – RVM
- It’s not Circumstance. It’s not Chance. It’s the Choice we make that determines the Destiny of Life. -RVM – RVM
- You must be present in the present to make it a present. -RVM – RVM
- Would you prefer to drag through life for 100 years or live with excitement for 50? -RVM – RVM
- Play More, Pray More; Get More, Give More… Live More!!!-RVM – Rvm
- In life what you ASPIRE will TRANSPIRE-”be it Loss or Gain, Sun or Rain, Joy or Pain. – RVM. – Rvm